- MayaQuest '96 [IA][Direct] -
In 1995 MayaQuest explored 30 archaeological sites, biked 1,100 miles, took 22,332 pictures, and were joined by over 1 million people. It's happening again.
- Project Central America [IA][Direct] -
Documents the bicycle expedition of three educators to Central America. Includes interactive material from the trip, maps, and classroom resources.
- White House for Kids [IA][Direct]
- Amazon Adventure [IA][Direct] -
New Zealand-based. Aimed at K12 students and schools. An online tour of Amaz˘nia, placing special emphasis on the region's history, people, and environment. Starts July 1997.
- Electronic Field Trip to the United Nations [IA][Direct] -
Includes classroom activities, the UN in action, background on the UN, links and other resources, electronic field trip subscription information.
- Field Trips Project [IA][Direct] -
Email list for electronic field trips
- GOAL - Global On-line Adventure Learning [IA][Direct] -
Our "GOAL" is to intrigue you with the adventures, the sciences, the technologies and the underlying laws of nature that make them possible.
- Jason Project, The@ (1997)
- Kinkaid in Kenya [IA][Direct] -
A cultural and scientific safari in the African nation of Kenya for 26 Kinkaid Upper School students and 3 faculty chaperones.
- Live From Antarctica [IA][Direct] -
Passport to Knowledge project designed to allow students and teachers the opportunity to experience what life is like in the coldest place on the planet.
- MayaQuest '96 [IA][Direct] -
In 1995 MayaQuest explored 30 archaeological sites, biked 1,100 miles, took 22,332 pictures, and were joined by over 1 million people. It's happening again.
- Odyssey in Egypt [IA][Direct] -
Interactive Egyptian archaeological excavation for middle school students.
- Running the Nile: Online Kayak Expedition [IA][Direct] -
In January and February of 1996 a team of kayakers will attempt a 'first ever' descent of the Victoria Nile River in Uganda, Africa.
- World Flight 1997 [IA][Direct] -
Sixty years after Amelia Earhart took to the skies, pilot Linda Finch embarks on her Lockheed Electra 10E to re-create and complete Earhart's heroic expedition.
- World Surfari [IA][Direct] -
Take a virtual surfari to a different country every month! Brought to you from the mind of Brian Giacoppo, age 10.