- Banco Central do Brasil [IA][Direct] -
Information about the Cenral Bank of Brasil.
- Brazilian Development Bank [IA][Direct] -
BNDES provides information about the Brazilian economy, investments opportunities and also about the Brazilian Development Bank.
- Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics [IA][Direct] -
IBGE provides official statistics and other data about Brazil.
- Collor, Fernanado Affonso [IA][Direct] -
Past president of Brazil who initiated economic programs in attempt to recuperate the country's economy.
- Environmental Sanitation Agency [IA][Direct] -
Brazilian institute responsible for the protection and improvement of the environment.
- Geological Survey of Brazil [IA][Direct]
- Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis [IA][Direct] -
IBAMA is the environmental protection agency of Brazil.
- Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada [IA][Direct] -
Institute for Applied Economic Research.
- Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento do Desporto [IA][Direct] -
Edson Arantes do Nascimento, or Pele, welcomes you to as minister at large for INDESP, the National Institute of the Development of Sports in Brazil.
- Lista de Autoridades Governamentais [IA][Direct] -
Lista com todas autoridades governamentais do Brasil. Telefone, aniversário, escalão e etc.
- Observatorio Nacional [IA][Direct] -
The ON is an institute for research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics, operating under the administration of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. (CNPq).
- Projeto de Educação Básica para o Nordeste [IA][Direct] -
Visa melhorar qualidade do ensino fundamental, o nível de aprendizagem dos alunos, reduzir repetência, evasão escolar e implantar novos padrões de administração educacional na região.
- Secretaria da Receita Federal [IA][Direct] -
Informacoes institucionais, arrecadacao, servicos atendimento ao publico, pagamento tributos e contribuicoes, importacao, bagagem, siscomex, IRPF, noticias SRF, e restituicao.
- Senado Federal [IA][Direct]
- Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 10a Região [IA][Direct]
- Web do Governo do Brasil [IA][Direct]