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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Engineering >
Geologic and Petroleum Engineering
  • Born Heaters Canada [IA][Direct] - Direct Fired process heaters. Engineering, inspection, installation and commissioning. hydrocracking reforming pyrolysis EDC cracking superheaters MTBE Box type heaters Cylindrical heaters
  • Can Tek [IA][Direct] - Consulting services in petrophysics, reservoir description, characterization, engineering, and simulation.
  • Codeco Engineering Ltd [IA][Direct] - Consulting oil and gas operations engineers in drilling, completions, workovers, horizontal drilling, underbalanced drilling, emergency response, oilfield construction and project management.
  • DB Robinson and Associates Ltd [IA][Direct] - A diverse company dedicated to providing quality phase behavior and fluid property technology to the petroleum and petrochemical industries.
  • Digi-Rule, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Geophysical and Geological hardware/software systems
  • Elliott's Land Services Ltd [IA][Direct] - Providing mineral leasing and computer mapping services to oil and gas exploration companies in southwestern Ontario.
  • Eucalyptus International Ltd [IA][Direct] - Consortium of Canadian petroleum consultants offering consulting and training worldwide.
  • Fekete Associates Inc. [IA][Direct] - Well test interpretation, economic evaluations, reservoir engineering, gas gathering system optimization/deliverability studies, production engineering, suspended well reviews and geological studies.
  • Gilbert Laustsen Jung Associates Ltd [IA][Direct] - Independent geological and engineering consulting services to the petroleum industry, including rigorous economic evaluations, technical studies, advice and opinions.
  • MARTECH Dehydration Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] - Technology-based company that designs, develops and markets quality separation equipment using hydrocyclone technology.
  • Outtrim Szabo Associates Ltd [IA][Direct] - Services including preparation for annual reports & filings, oil & gas property determinations, geological and geophysical services and fair market value opinions. Horizontal well expertise.
  • Van Meurs & Associates Ltd. [IA][Direct] - World wide consulting services in petroleum economics for the up-stream oil and gas industry.
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