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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies >
  • Broadhead, Rick [IA][Direct] - Internet speaker at conferences, seminars, and annual meetings across North America for businesses, not-for-profit associations, and government organizations.
  • CanSpeak Presentations Ltd [IA][Direct] - Listings of speakers for conventions, conferences, from one hour to all week. Humour, leadership, change, burnout, management, quality and more.
  • Carroll, Jim [IA][Direct] - Co-author of Canadian Internet Handbook; co-host of NetTalk, Canada's national Internet radio show; Canadian Internet Person of the Year, 1996.
  • David Lavin Agency [IA][Direct] - Speaker's agency exclusively representing original thinkers and unique practitioners like Garth Turner, Diane Francis, Ed Greenspon, Tony Wilson-Smith, Joe Clark, and Richard Worzel.
  • Laing, Milli [IA][Direct] - Lectures, seminars and learning packages specializing in nursing education.
  • Magellan Group [IA][Direct] - Specializes in personal development speakers such as Anthony Robbins, Giselle Briden, Michael Gerber, Les Brown and others.
  • National Speakers Bureau [IA][Direct] - Represents many of the country's best-known speakers covering a wide range of topics.
  • One Step Beyond [IA][Direct] - Specializing in speakers and seminars on adventure, change, and motivation.
  • ProSpeak [IA][Direct] - An agency that provides corporate and professional association clients with outstanding business speakers and seminar leaders.
  • Robinson, Tink [IA][Direct]
  • Sharac [IA][Direct] - Mentalist, motivator, and magician.
  • Sharma Leadership International. [IA][Direct] - Speaker on personal leadership, motivation and creativity.
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