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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Telecommunications >
  • CAL Corporation [IA][Direct] - Manufactures mobile satellite communications equipment for aeronautical, land and other applications.
  • Calian Communications Systems Ltd. [IA][Direct]
  • Canadian Satellite Communications Inc [IA][Direct] - Canadian distributor of satellite-based broadcast signals and specialist in satellite communications for business.
  • Cancom [IA][Direct]
  • ExpressVu [IA][Direct] - Digital-to-home entertainment and information company will provide Canadian, American and international video and audio programming.
  • Intersat Interprovincial Satellite Services [IA][Direct] - Industrial engineering company which develops and provides remote wireless communication products and services for mobile field crews and unmanned fixed sites.
  • IOSAT Inc. [IA][Direct] - Provides rapid access to high resolution remote sensing satellite imagery. Direct downlink systems for RADARSAT, SPOT, Landsat, ERS, IRS and other satellite systems.
  • Jetcom Communication [IA][Direct] - Satellite receiving technology for both commercial and consumer markets around the world.
  • NSI Communications [IA][Direct] - Specializing in designing, manufacture, integration, installing and maintaining satellite-based multimedia telecom networks using vsat tecnology.
  • SED Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] - Canadian company that designs and manufactures satellite ground systems as well as other specialized electronic equipment.
  • TD Communications Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Satellite, Microwave, Wireless comm system sales, rental service and engineering since 1969.
  • TedSat [IA][Direct] - A distributor of satellite dishes in the North American Market, supplying ExpressVu, DSS, C and Ku band Solutions to people wishing to have a total choice.
  • Telesat Canada [IA][Direct] - A description of Telesat, Canada's National Satellite Carrier and a world leader in satellite communications.
  • Terra-Sat Satellite Systems [IA][Direct] - For those who often find themselves out of range of traditional telecommunications.
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