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Home > Regional > Countries > France > Business > Companies >
  • Barclay Records [TheOldNet][Direct] - Home of acts such as Jacques Brel and Leo Ferre, and now home top rock, world and alternative acts Stephan Eicher, Khaled, Ultra Orange, Rachid Taha, Zebda and more.
  • Big Cheese Records [TheOldNet][Direct] - Presentation of the funk/jazz/soul label Big Cheese Records, including discography, history, pictures and sound excerpts.
  • Gorgone [TheOldNet][Direct] - French Music Label.
  • PSCHENT [TheOldNet][Direct] - Our goal is to open doors in France for our family creative members: House Nation.
  • Sony Music France [TheOldNet][Direct] - Les plus grands artistes français et internationaux, biographie, nouveaux albums, extraits sonores et vidéo, et beaucoup d'autres informations. Pour tous les fans de bonne musique.
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