AlexNet Internet access provider, s [TheOldNet][Direct] -
AlexNet is an Internet access provider for individuals, small business, corporations and organisations. Internet based banking and commercial services are under developpement.
France-Teaser [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Info about full IP internet access in France offered by France-Teaser. Presentation of the company. Web pages of the subscribers.
Golden Brick [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Notre vocation est de fournir à une clientèle professionnelle l ensemble des services et compétences associés à Internet.
MNet [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Accès Internet, réalisation et hébergement de serveurs Web.
NCTech [TheOldNet][Direct] -
We are providing our customers with ISDN access, security solutions as well as Web design and hosting in several languages.