- A-Line [IA][Direct] -
Internet software solutions - Web IT. Database supported development tool for online stores and intranet solutions.
- Bemi [IA][Direct] -
Computerdienstleister aus Braunschweig mit eigener Partner-Kette in ganz Deutschland. Günstige Angebote aus der Computer & EDV-Branche.
- Bicon Engineering u. Datentechnik [IA][Direct] -
Software localization services through mother tongue language specialists.
- Borland GmbH [IA][Direct]
- CompuTeam Informationsmanagement [IA][Direct] -
Wir beraten Sie bei Planung und Realisierung Ihres Informationssystems. Zudem bieten wir Softwaredesign, Fachliteratur und Seminare an; information management software (in German).
- EuroNet [IA][Direct] -
Internetprovider im Rahmen der EuroNet Gruppe. Eigenes Onlinesystem. Vertrieb von Hard & Software. Bietet im Frankfurter Raum einen sehr günstigen InterNet-Zugang.
- Fast Software Security AG [IA][Direct] -
Reliable software protection.
- FDS Software GmbH [IA][Direct] -
Vertrieb und Entwicklung von CD-Rom-Produkten.
- GeoNet Mailbox Systems GmbH [IA][Direct] -
E-Mail Dienstleistungen und schluesselfertige E-Mail Systeme mit Gateways zu X.400, Internet, GSM SMS Pagers; email services and systems (in German).
- iXOS Software [IA][Direct] -
German software house providing archiving systems (SAP/R3), software tools (iXBUILD Interface Builder), SAP/R3 NT Competence Center, etc.
- knowledge transfer GmbH [IA][Direct] -
Gesellschaft fuer Systemintegration. Software development - Apple Macintosh (68k / PPC). Internet ServiceCenter.
- Link & Link - Multilinguale Software [IA][Direct] -
Fremdsprachen, Multilinguale Software, Fremdsprachige Textverarbeitung;software-components, which enable the user to work in different operating systems with a large number of languages.
- Maxon Computer GmbH [IA][Direct] -
German software company developing for Windows, Macintosh, Amiga and Atari computers (in German).
Machine condition monitoring and laser shaft alignment systems.
- Punctum-transfer [IA][Direct] -
Converts documents between all major text processing, database and spreadsheet systems. Software is available for PCs and Unix.
- Rindle & Partner GmbH [IA][Direct]
- Virtual Reality Information Center [IA][Direct] -
In German. Covers Quicktime VR, VRML, and other technologies.