- ASCIInet Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Software publishing, network, systems house...
- DATA POP Co., Ltd [IA][Direct] -
Founded in 1982. Experienced education software developers in Japan.
- Graphic Products Inc. [IA][Direct] -
CAD/CAM software for the mold-making industry.
- Komatsu Soft Ltd.@ (1996)
- NSD (Nippon System Development Co., Ltd.) [IA][Direct] -
One of the largest software companies in Japan invites US software companies to the Japanese market. NSD can provide total support including distribution, resell, marketing, technical support.
- NTT Software Laboratories [IA][Direct] -
Fast RDB browsing tool for WWW, Including TP monitor VGUIDE, VGLINK, and WebBASE.
- Precision Modeling Laboratory (PML) [IA][Direct] -
Develop basic tools for making new digital information media, with focus on electronic publishing.
- Sherlock SoftSearch [IA][Direct] -
Software search system (Japanese language based).
- SYNTAX Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Services which range from multimedia-related consulting to producing software.
- Toshiba Information Systems [IA][Direct] -
Software development and direct sales.