- CitoCom Telecommunicatie [IA][Direct] -
Authorised Siemens Hicom dealer for PABX's, computer telephone integration.
- Computer Management Group [IA][Direct] -
Cellular communications and billing systems software development consultants.
- Diafaan Communicatie Software [IA][Direct] -
Site about short messageging services to wireless devices in the Netherlands.
- Efficiente Communicatie Componenten BV [IA][Direct] -
Providers of lightweight headsets.
- Hasselhoff [IA][Direct] -
Voor werving selectie en executive search in automatisering en telecommunicatie.
- High Tech Automation BV [IA][Direct] -
Consultants specialized in embedded software in the area of real time, digital signal processing, data and telecom and simulation.
- Magitel [IA][Direct] -
Providing solutions for least cost routing and call management.
- Multiplan telematica [IA][Direct] -
Frequently updated list of job oppurtunities for specialists in the telecom and datacom field.
- Muskee telecom [IA][Direct] -
ISDN specialist, verkoop, service, installatie, importeur van ISDN-kaarten.
- NCP Telecom [IA][Direct] -
And Mycom, voor levering van computers, GSM telefoons, en overige telecom apparatuur.
- Nijenhuis Mobile Services [IA][Direct] -
Begeeft zich voornamelijk op het terrein van advisering, bemiddeling, training en directe verkoop van diensten en produkten op het gebied van mobiele telecommunicatie.
- ptt telecom [IA][Direct]
- Quinsy [IA][Direct] -
Specialized in the development of wireless datacommunication middleware and wireless data application products.
- RAM Mobile Data - Belgium/Netherlands [IA][Direct]
- Telebasics Automatisering & Telecommunicatie [IA][Direct]
- Unisource Nederland [IA][Direct]