- City of Poznan [IA][Direct] -
Information about Poznan's economy, culture and science; including air and train schedules.
- Internet Guide to Poznan [IA][Direct] -
Short description of the city and crest precede a lot of links which are divided in many sections.
- Poznan City Guide [IA][Direct] -
Information about Poznan, clickable maps, some institutions adresses and phones, many pictures of the city, etc.
- Poznan.com [IA][Direct] -
Information about the city and its region:business,tourism,art,education, organizations,entertainment,media etc (in english, french and polish).
- Zamki, Pałace i Dwory Wielkopolski [IA][Direct] -
(Zamki, Pałace i Dwory Wielkopolski) in English and Polish.