- BOGA Treuhand + Verwaltungen [IA][Direct]
- BSI - Banca della Svizzera Italiana [IA][Direct] -
Founded in 1873 in Lugano, Switzerland, and since 1991 part of the Swiss Bank Corporation Group
- Credit Suisse [IA][Direct]
- Fintrag Beratungs- und Treuhand AG [IA][Direct] -
Dienstleistungen im Treuhand- und Beratungssektor.
- Investment Forum Ltd [IA][Direct]
- Miriam Blum Buchfuehrung [IA][Direct] -
Fuer Klein- und Mittelbetriebe. Loehne, Jahresabschluesse, Steuererklaerungen. bookeeping for small and medium sized businesses (in German).
- Objective Counsel [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in the incorporation, management and administration of off-shore and non-resident companies and trusts.
- Sparkassa Berneck [IA][Direct]
- Swiss Bank Corporation [IA][Direct]
- Swiss Bank Directory [IA][Direct] -
Directory of all banks in Switzerland. Links to FAQ about Swiss banking.
- Trading and Commercial Consulting [IA][Direct] -
Daily Forex market comments, trading and commercial consulting.
- Union Bank of Switzerland [IA][Direct]
- Valais Economic Development Corporation - Switzerland [IA][Direct] -
Business opportunities, legal aspects, workforce, Valais's industries lists and portraits, setting up a company in Switzerland, technology transfer, innovation.
- Zürich Versicherungen [IA][Direct] -
Swiss insurance company serving the commercial and corporate markets.