Home > Regional > Countries > United Kingdom > Education > Higher Education > | Universities |  | | - Anglia Polytechnic University@ (1996)
- Aston University@ (1996)
- Bournemouth University@ (1996)
- Brunel University@ (1996)
- City University@ (1996)
- Coventry University@ (1996)
- Cranfield University@ (1996)
- De Montfort University@ (1996)
- Derby University [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Glasgow Caledonian University@ (1996)
- Greenwich University [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Harper Adams Agricultural College [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Heriot-Watt University@ (1996)
- Keele University@ (1996)
- Kingston University@ (1996)
- Lancaster University@ (1996)
- Leeds Metropolitan University@ (1996)
- Leicester University@ (1996)
- Liverpool John Moores University@ (1996)
- London Guildhall University@ (1996)
- London School of Economics@ (1996)
- Loughborough University@ (1996)
- Manchester Metropolitan University@ (1996)
- Middlesex University@ (1996)
- Moray College [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Offering full/part time, open learning and degree level courses in a variety of subjects.
- Napier University@ (1996)
- Nottingham Trent University@ (1996)
- Open University, The@ (1996)
- Oxford Brookes University [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Oxford University@ (1996)
- Queen's University@ (1996)
- Richmond, The American University in London [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Students for all over the world, in 18 majors and 3 graduate programs.
- Robert Gordon University@ (1996)
- Royal College of Music [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Keyboard, Singing, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Composition, and Conducting.
- Royal College of Surgeons of England [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine@ (1996)
- Royal Postgraduate Medical School@ (1996)
- Sheffield Hallam University [TheOldNet][Direct]
- South Bank University@ (1996)
- Staffordshire University@ (1996)
- St. Andrews University@ (1997)
- Teesside University@ (1996)
- Thames Valley University [TheOldNet][Direct]
- University College of Ripon & York St John [TheOldNet][Direct] -
University sector college serving over 4,000 students. Details of our undergraduate, postgraduate and professional training opportunities.
- University College Scarborough@ (1996)
- University of Aberdeen@ (1996)
- University of Bath@ (1996)
- University of Birmingham@ (1996)
- University of Bradford@ (1996)
- University of Brighton@ (1996)
- University of Bristol@ (1996)
- University of Buckingham [TheOldNet][Direct]
- University of Cambridge@ (1996)
- University of Central England (UCE) [TheOldNet][Direct]
- University of Central Lancashire@ (1996)
- University of Dundee@ (1996)
- University of Durham@ (1996)
- University of East Anglia@ (1996)
- University of East London@ (1996)
- University of Edinburgh@ (1996)
- University of Essex@ (1996)
- University of Exeter@ (1996)
- University of Glamorgan@ (1996)
- University of Glasgow@ (1996)
- University of Hertfordshire@ (1996)
- University of Huddersfield@ (1996)
- University of Hull@ (1996)
- University of Humberside@ (1996)
- University of Kent at Canterbury@ (1996)
- University of Leeds@ (1996)
- University of Liverpool@ (1996)
- University of London@ (1996)
- University of Luton@ (1996)
- University of Manchester@ (1996)
- University of Newcastle@ (1996)
- University of North London [TheOldNet][Direct]
- University of Northumbria at Newcastle@ (1996)
- University of Nottingham@ (1996)
- University of Paisley@ (1996)
- University of Plymouth@ (1996)
- University of Portsmouth@ (1996)
- University of Reading@ (1996)
- University of Salford@ (1996)
- University of Sheffield@ (1996)
- University of Southampton@ (1996)
- University of St Andrews@ (1996)
- University of Stirling@ (1996)
- University of Strathclyde@ (1996)
- University of Sunderland@ (1996)
- University of Surrey@ (1996)
- University of Sussex@ (1996)
- University of the West of England@ (1996)
- University of Ulster@ (1996)
- University of Wales Institute [TheOldNet][Direct]
- University of Warwick@ (1996)
- University of Westminster@ (1996)
- University of Wolverhampton@ (1996)
- University of York@ (1996)
- Wessex Institute of Technology [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Wolfson School of Health Sciences [TheOldNet][Direct]