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Home > Regional > Countries > United Kingdom > Entertainment > Music > Events >
  • Denbigh Music Festival [IA][Direct] - Includes links to other festival and music sites.
  • Fresh '97 [IA][Direct] - Hip-hop event at Leas Cliff Hall, The Leas, Folkestone, Kent, England on 14, 15, and 16 February 1997.
  • Glastonbury Festival [IA][Direct] - "A Festival of the Performing Arts". That means everything from Rock and Pop, to juggling through performance fortune telling and standup comedy. However, the slant is definitely not mainstream.
  • London Festival of Austrian-Jewish Culture [IA][Direct] - Celebrates the reawakening of a many-stranded tenacious culture in Austria with concerts, theatre, film, exhibitions, seminars, literary events. 27 Oct - 24 Nov, 1996.
  • Suffolk Villages Festival [IA][Direct] - Early music festival based near the Suffolk/Essex border in eastern England.
  • Take Note 2 [IA][Direct] - Two-day festival of disability music in Islington, North London, showcases music by disabled performers. 6-7 July 1996.
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