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Society and Culture
  • AsianStars [IA][Direct] - Asian celebrities from a range of entertainment areas.
  • AskAsia [IA][Direct] - Educational resource for students and teachers from the Asia Society, complete with lesson plans and images.
  • Cultural Bridge Productions [IA][Direct] - A point of departure to explore some of the world's cultures through provocative, opinionated travelogues and interviews.
  • Eurasie [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to Asian cultural events taking place in France; museums, books, exhibitions, conferences; Chinese New Year, and links.
  • Hollywood Masala [IA][Direct] - Devoted to South Asians in the international media and film. You will find information on actors, media legends, and casting calls.
  • Index - Korean Pages [IA][Direct] - Ever-growing list of personal home pages of Koreans on the net.
  • South Asian Review [IA][Direct] - Publication at Georgetown University about South Asia, by South Asians, for South Asians.
  • WWW Virtual Library - Asian Studies [IA][Direct] - Keeps track of leading networked information resources in the field of Asian studies.
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