- City of Augusta [IA][Direct]
- Hatties Lobster Stew [IA][Direct] -
Full service restaurant known for homemade pies, soups, chowders, and stews. Also offers Maine lobster stew shipped anywhere.
- JW Products and Designs [IA][Direct] -
Offers embroidery, screenprinting, airbrushing, digitizing, and web site design.
- Kennebec Health System [IA][Direct] -
Provides an lifetime of care through several organizations.
- Kennebec Journal Online [IA][Direct]
- Knowlton, Hewins and Roberts Funeral Homes [IA][Direct] -
Resource center in death and grief education for the communities of Augusta, Winthrop, Hallowell, Maine and their surrounding communities.
- Law and Legislative Reference Library [IA][Direct] -
Serves the public interest by providing legal and governmental information services without discrimination to the people of Maine, their government, and the legal community.
- Maine Archives and Museums [IA][Direct] -
Provides a listing of Maine museums including admission fees and hours.
- Maine Center for Public Health [IA][Direct] -
Nonprofit organization that works to improve health in Maine.
- Maine Film and Video Association [IA][Direct] -
Association of professionals, individuals, companies, and students involved in filmmaking and video production.
- Maine Long Term Care Ombudsman Program [IA][Direct] -
Providing assistance, advocacy and support to residents of Long Term Care facilities and in-home services recipients.
- Maine Municipal Association [IA][Direct] -
Information and resources for local and municipal governments.
- Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association [IA][Direct] -
MOFGA helps farmers and gardeners grow organic food and supports sustainable and vibrant rural communities.
- Maine Primitive Skills School [IA][Direct] -
Educational courses include tracking, earth living, foraging, primitive tool making, and mentoring. Also offers outreach programs and teacher workshops.
- Maine State Library [IA][Direct]
- Old Fort Western [IA][Direct] -
1754 fort located on the Kennebec River.
- Senator Inn & Spa [IA][Direct] -
Augusta area vacation hotel and relaxing spa retreat features meeting facilities, restaurant, indoor pool, gym, and wi-fi access.
- Senior Spectrum [IA][Direct] -
Central Maine area Agency on Aging.
- Sprague & Curtis Real Estate [IA][Direct] -
Displays listings and realtors.