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Home > Regional > U.S. States > New York > Counties and Regions >
Hudson Valley
  • Summer Scholars 1997  [*] [IA][Direct] - Offers an overview of the diverse cultural development of the Hudson Valley. Also includes information on the music, buildings, industries, and residents of the area.
  • HudsonLink [TheOldNet][Direct] - Providing information about history, museums, antiques, arts, boating, golf, tourism, environment and useful links.
  • Hudson Valley Network [TheOldNet][Direct] - Guide to the region, including places to eat, stay and shop; points of interest; activities and related information.
  • Hudson Valley Today [TheOldNet][Direct] - Up-to-date local information, yellow pages, information on travel and tourism, and much more.
  • HUDVAL.COM [TheOldNet][Direct] - A directory of organizations in the Hudson Valley Region of NY State offering access to the Internet...
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