- ABATE of Pennsylvania [IA][Direct]
- American Legion Department of Pennsylvania [IA][Direct]
- ASM International Central PA Chapter [IA][Direct] -
Materials and metals links and suppliers, meeting info.
- Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery [IA][Direct] -
Civil War reenactors.
- Central Pennsylvania Mensa [IA][Direct]
- Derry Area Historical Society [IA][Direct]
- Domestic Relations Association of Pennsylvania (DRAP) [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit corporation composed of child support professionals dedicated to improving child support services.
- Endless Mountains R/C Flying Club [IA][Direct] -
News and information about our club and the hobby of building and flying remote controlled aircraft.
- Index - Pennsylvania Progressive Organizations [IA][Direct]
- Keystone Mothers of Multiples [IA][Direct]
- Kinzua Fish & Wildlife Association [IA][Direct]
- Lions Club of Tobyhanna-Newfoundland [IA][Direct] -
Pocono Mountains Northeastern PA
- Manchester Craftsmen's Guild [IA][Direct] -
Multi-cultural arts education and presenting organization in western Pennsylvania.
- National Organization of Women, Pennsylvania State Office [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Academy of Science [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania APCO [IA][Direct] -
For public safety communications, including police, fire, EMS and EMA.
- Pennsylvania Association for Government Relations [IA][Direct] -
Provides resources and education for the Pennsylvania government relations community.
- Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging [IA][Direct] -
PANPHA's mission is to promote the interests of nonprofit organizations that serve those in need of long-term care services.
- Pennsylvania Association of Notaries (PAN) [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape [IA][Direct] -
PACR is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights and needs of victims of sexual violence.
- Pennsylvania Economy League [IA][Direct] -
Promotes better government for a more competitive region by providing information and support to the civic leadership of Southeastern PA.
- Pennsylvania Environmental Council [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit policy, education, and advocacy organization.
- Pennsylvania Expose [IA][Direct] -
Project of the Fight the Right Network (FTRN) and the People for the American Way (PFAW) Action Fund that works for human rights by combating chruch burning, anti-Affirmative Action legislation and more.
- Pennsylvania Farm Bureau [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Horticultural Society [IA][Direct] -
Producers of Philadelphia Flower Show. Sponsor, Philadelphia Green (nation's foremost comm. gardening program).
- Pennsylvania Jaycees [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children [IA][Direct] -
Works with individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors to develop common agendas and strategies that promote the well-being of Pennsylvania s children.
- Pennsylvania Patriot Resource Center@ (1997)
- Pennsylvania Psychological Association [IA][Direct]
- Penn-York Chapter of DPMA [IA][Direct]
- Reaching Urban Neighborhoods (RUN) [IA][Direct] -
Missionary organization tries to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to urban communities by establishing effective neighborhood churches.
- Salvation Army - Eastern PA and DE Division [IA][Direct] -
Striving to help people find answers to their needs. Site includes e-prayers, guides to services and volunteer opportunities.
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Orchid Society [IA][Direct] -
Meetings and activities, upcoming events; orchid photos included, along with links to other orchid sites.
- Toastmasters Clubs in Central PA [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Navy-Marine Corps MARS [IA][Direct] -
Volunteer organization that is an adjunct of Naval Communications, whose motto is: "Serving Those Who Serve".
- Vibration Institute of Western Pennsylvania [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to machinery diagnostics through vibration analysis and other non-destructive techniques.
- Western Pennsylvania Quarter Horse Association [IA][Direct]
- Western Pennsylvania Railroad Society, The [IA][Direct] -
Nonprofit organization formed to provide a means for people interested in trains and railroads to share their interest.