Home > Regional > U.S. States > Washington, D.C. > Health > | Organizations | | | | | | | | - Action on Smoking and Health [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization dedicated solely to protecting the rights of the non-smoking majority.
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency International [ADRA] [IA][Direct] -
Changing the world one life at a time.
- Alexandria Chapter [IA][Direct]
- Allergy and Asthma Network / Mothers of Asthmatics [IA][Direct] -
- aims to eliminate morbidity and mortality due to asthma and allergies through education, advocacy, community outreach, and research.
- Alliance for Aging Research [IA][Direct] -
Advocates more medical research into aging, stimulates training and provides information on aging-related diseases and conditions.
- Alliance To End Childhood Lead Poisoning [IA][Direct] -
Created to launch a comprehensive attack on the epidemic of childhood lead poisoning.
- Alzheimer's Assocation Greater Washington Chapter [IA][Direct] -
Provide support and programs to people with Alzheimer's Disease, their families and caregivers in DC and Maryland.
- Alzheimer's Association Northern Virginia Chapter [IA][Direct] -
- provides programs/services for families/caregivers, funds research, and educates the general public.
- AMC Cancer Research Faith Chapter [IA][Direct] -
- raising money benefitting programs in cancer prevention and control.
- American Accreditation HealthCare Commission/URAC [IA][Direct] -
Not-for-profit entity that establishes accreditation standards for managed care organizations, including utilization review, networks, credentialing, and workers' compensation managed care.
- American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry [IA][Direct] -
AAGP is dedicated to promoting the mental health and well being of older people and improving the care of those with late-life mental disorders.
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases [IA][Direct] -
- nonproft, member organization serving the educational and scientific needs of its physicians, researchers, and scientists.
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) [IA][Direct] -
- represents U.S. colleges and schools of pharmacy.
- American Association of Health Plans [IA][Direct]
- American Cancer Society's Young Patrons [IA][Direct] -
Information about a group of young people who work together toward a great cause and having fun.
- American College of Nurse Midwives Certification Council, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
- national certifying body for Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs). Includes candidate booklet, examination schedule, and certification verification.
- American College of Nurse Practitioners [IA][Direct]
- American Health Assistance Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Funding research on age-related and degenerative diseases, educating the public about these diseases, and providing emergency financial assistance.
- American Health Care Association [IA][Direct] -
Long term care industry trade group providing consumer information on services, financing, public policy, nursing facilities, assisted living and subacute care.
- American Kidney Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Provides direct financial assistance, comprehensive educational programs, research grants and community service projects.
- American Kidney Fund [IA][Direct] -
- provides direct financial assistance, comprehensive educational programs, research grants and community service projects.
- American Lung Association of the District of Columbia [IA][Direct] -
Provides advocacy, research, and education to help prevent lung disease.
- American Pharmaceutical Association - APhA [IA][Direct] -
To serve society as the profession responsible for the appropriate use of medications, devices and services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.
- American Society for Clinical Nutrition [IA][Direct]
- American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics [IA][Direct] -
Committed to promoting normal, natural, healthy, and fulfilling childbearing experiences for women and their families through education, advocacy, and reform.
- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery [IA][Direct] -
Clinical and practice management information on cataract and refractive surgery
- American Society of Hematology [IA][Direct] -
Committed to promoting and fostering the exchange and diffusion of information and ideas relating to blood, blood-forming tissue, and blood disease.
- America's Blood Centers [IA][Direct] -
Facts and current news about blood donation and transfusion and where to donate blood, with links to individual blood center sites.
- Association for Health Services Research (AHSR) [IA][Direct] -
National membership organization promoting research of the delivery, quality, and financing of the US health care system.
- Association of Academic Health Centers [IA][Direct] -
Seeks to influence public dialogue on significant health and science policy issues, to advance education for health professionals, to promote biomedical and health services research and to enhance patient care.
- Association of Clinical Research Professionals [IA][Direct] -
ACRP is an international non-profit association of professionals involved in Phase 1-5 clinical research: goals, people, news/events, and certification criteria.
- Association of Community Cancer Centers [IA][Direct] -
- profles of cancer programs at 500 medical centers, hospitals, and cancer clinics, as well as cancer program standards and news for cancer patients.
- Brazelton Foundation, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
- encouraging and supporting education and training programs that implement preventive healthcare practices for children and families that are based on the work of T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.
- Breast Cancer Awareness Program for Poland [IA][Direct] -
Program under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, to raise awareness of the disease among the population and the medical profession.
- Cancer Research Foundation of America (CRFA) [IA][Direct] -
Committed to cancer prevention through research and education.
- Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Mission is to educate, support, serve, and advocate for families of children with cancer, survivors of childhood cancer and professionals who care for them.
- Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC) [IA][Direct] -
Independent, non-profit organization engaged in policy analysis, education, and advocacy on issues of gender equality and reproductive health.
- Center for Patient Advocacy [IA][Direct] -
To represent the interests of patients nationwide.
- Center for Science in the Public Interest [IA][Direct] -
Publisher of the Nutrition Action Healthletter.
- CHADD Montgomery County Maryland Chapter [IA][Direct] -
- site includes information on ADD, meeting times, and more.
- Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation - CBTF [IA][Direct] -
Families, friends, and physicians of children with brain tumors, mission is to fund scientfic research, raise public awareness, and improve prognosis and quality of life.
- Children's Hospice International [IA][Direct] -
Founded to provide a network of support and care for children with life-threatening conditions and their families.
- Citizen Advocacy Center [IA][Direct] -
Provides training, research, and conferences, for consumer representatives on health care regulatory and governing boards in professional managed care.
- Coalition for Consumer Health and Safety, The [IA][Direct] -
A partnership of some 40 consumer, health, and insurer groups working together to promote consumer health and safety.
- Coalition for Natural Health, The [IA][Direct] -
CNH is a broad-based group who share common goals to promote holistic approach to health.
- Commissioned Officers Association of the US Public Health Service [IA][Direct] -
- tackle legislative and policy issues on behalf of our members, raise consciousness regarding public health issues and the PHS Commissioned Corps in national and local media, and serve as a resource.
- Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP) [IA][Direct] -
- national voluntary certification program for pharmacists involved in geriatric practice.
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) [IA][Direct] -
- mission is to build and sustain community partnering to prevent substance abuse effectively.
- Community Prevention Partnership [IA][Direct] -
- non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent substance abuse and related problems.
- Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC) [IA][Direct] -
- a private, non-profit organization working with services for individuals with autism from the preschooler to the adult.
- Continuing Care Accreditation Community [IA][Direct] -
Independent accrediting body sponsored by the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.
- Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization with recipes, tips for diabetics, and offers for free products available to help diabetics.
- Every Child By Two [IA][Direct] -
Carter/Bumpers campaign for early immunization.
- Families USA Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Articles and reports on health care, reform, politics, Medicare and Medicaid, and other health care issues of women, senior citizens, and lower-income people.
- Fibromyalgia Association of Greater Washington [IA][Direct]
- Gerontological Society of America [IA][Direct] -
Multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the scientific study of aging and to the translation/dissemination of research for practice and policy.
- Glutamate Association [IA][Direct] -
An association of manufacturers, national marketers, and processed food users of glutamic acid and its salts, principally MSG.
- Healthcare Leadership Council [IA][Direct] -
Exclusive forum for the leadership of the health care industry.
- Health Care Quality Alliance (HCQA) [IA][Direct] -
Consumer, provider, and industry organizations united and dedicated to assuring that quality is the core value of the nation's health care agenda.
- HIV Community Coalition of Metropolitan Washington DC [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit membership based PWA, publications, events, advocacy.
- Human Growth Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Helps individuals with growth-related disorders, their families, and healthcare professionals through education, research and advocacy.
- Institute for Advanced Studies in Immunology and Aging [IA][Direct]
- International Cancer Information Center (ICIC) [IA][Direct]
- International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) [IA][Direct] -
A worldwide foundation that is making a difference in public health by advancing the understanding of scientific issues related to nutrition, food safety, toxicology, and the environment.
- Larry King Cardiac Foundation [IA][Direct] -
- non profit organization created to provide funding for heart bypass operations and heart transplants for individuals with only limited means and inadequate insurance.
- Low Vision Information Center [IA][Direct] -
- offers tips and strategies for maximizing remaining sight.
- Lupus Foundation of Greater Washington [IA][Direct] -
- basic information on lupus, chapter activities, services and more.
- Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer [IA][Direct] -
Cancer resources for women.
- Medical Care for Children Partnership [IA][Direct] -
Provides comprehensive health care for uninsured children in Fairfax County who are not eligible for medicaid.
- Montgomery County Community Partnership - Home Page [IA][Direct] -
- community coalition working to reduce the problems related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
- Myelin Project [IA][Direct] -
Working to accelerate research on repairing the myelin of the central nervous system.
- NARAL Online [IA][Direct] -
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League: abortion and reproductive health issues, including daily Heads Up! items, publications, organized links, and Act Now opportunities.
- National Association for Home Care [IA][Direct] -
Includes consumer information.
- National Association of Physicians for the Environment (NAPE) [IA][Direct] -
- provides scientific information about health and the environment.
- National Association of Socially Responsible Organizations [IA][Direct] -
For individuals and employers who support the principles of affordable health care, affirmative action, environmental protection, and workers' rights.
- National Business Coalition on Health [IA][Direct]
- National Cancer Institute@ (2000)
- National Capital Area Council of National Voluntary Health Agencies [IA][Direct] -
Employee workplace health education, charity donations, CFC, fighting cancer, heart disease, disability, diabetes, arthritis, alzheimers, blindness, and aging.
- National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) [IA][Direct] -
Part of the American Health Care Association (AHCA).
- National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics [IA][Direct] -
Web links, question-a-day, automatic email-list subscriber, bibliographies, and articles.
- National Center for Homeopathy [IA][Direct] -
Promoting health through homeopathy.
- National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR) [IA][Direct] -
Consumers and advocates who seek to define and achieve quality for people with long-term care needs.
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship [IA][Direct] -
- nationwide network of organizations, institutions, and individuals dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with all types of cancer.
- National Coalition of Hispanic Health & Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO) [IA][Direct] -
Focusing on the health, mental health, and human services needs of the diverse Hispanic communities.
- National Coalition on Health Care [IA][Direct] -
Nonpartisan coalition working for better, more affordable, and more equitable health care for all Americans.
- National Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome Network [IA][Direct] -
Formed by EMS survivors to support each other and their loved ones, and to bring public awareness and education.
- National Foundation for Cancer Research [IA][Direct]
- National Hispanic Medical Association [IA][Direct] -
Comprised of Latino physicians and serves as an information clearinghouse for Latino physicians and other Latino healthcare professionals.
- National Hospice Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Devoted exclusively to increasing awareness of and access to hospice care through the financial support of education and research.
- National Lead Information Center [IA][Direct] -
Gathers and provides information on environmental lead poisoning and prevention for health professionals and the public at-large.
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) [IA][Direct]
- National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to eliminating birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and improving the quality of life for those individuals and families affected.
- National Osteoporosis Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Info on the causes, prevention, detection and treatment of osteoporosis.
- National Safe Kids Campaign, The@ (2000)
- National Safe Kids Campaign, The [IA][Direct] -
National organization dedicated to the prevention of unintentional childhood injury.
- National Sleep Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to prevention of catastrophic accidents caused by sleep deprivation & excessive sleepiness and to enhanced quality of life for millions who suffer from sleep disorders.
- National Tuberous Sclerosis Association, The@ (1999)
- National Vaccine Information Center [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. Provides assistance to parents whose children have suffered vaccine reactions.
- National Voluntary Health Agencies (NVHA) [IA][Direct] -
Assists member organizations in fundraising for those in need via combined public and private industry workplace campaigns.
- National Women's Health Resource Center [IA][Direct] -
Educates healthcare consumers by providing access to a wealth of information and resources on women's health issues.
- Nevus Network [IA][Direct] -
- support group for individuals with giant congenital nevi and their families.
- North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners [IA][Direct] -
Dental testing agency which examines dentists and dental hygienists seeking licensure in northeastern states and the District of Columbia.
- Northern Virginia Family Service [IA][Direct] -
- non-profit organization helping families in need.
- Osteoporosis & Related Bone Diseases~National Resource Center [IA][Direct] -
To provide health profesionals, patients & the public with current information on metobolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, osteogensis imperfecta, and hyperparathyroidism.
- Overeaters Anonymous [IA][Direct]
- Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians [IA][Direct]
- Public Health Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Assist in supporting state and local public health agencies' efforts to achieve healthy people and healthy communities within their jurisdictions.
- Scleroderma Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Includes disease information, support groups, newsletter, and treatment center list.
- Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) [IA][Direct] -
Association of health education professionals and students.
- Society for Risk Analysis [IA][Direct] -
Information for those interested in risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, risk policy, etc.
- Society for the Advancement of Women's Health Research [IA][Direct] -
Information about the Society, general issues in women's health research, and links to groups with a specific disease focus.
- Transplant Recipients International Organization, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life of transplant candidates, recipients, their families and donor families.
- TRIO, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life of transplant candidates, recipients, their families and donor families.
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, The [IA][Direct] -
UHMS is the primary source of information for diving and hyperbaric medicine and physiology worldwide.
- Vision Council of America/Better Vision Institute (VICA/BVI) [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit trade association serving the collective interests of the ophthalmic community.
- Washington Regional Transplant Consortium [IA][Direct] -
Federally designated organ procurement organization for the Washington, D.C., area.