- 13 News Fish Doctor [IA][Direct] -
Regional fishing information for West Virginia, Ohio & Kentucky areas. Trout stockings and lake conditions updated every week.
- Camp Rim Rock [IA][Direct] -
Camp for girls.
- Class VI River Runners, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Provides whitewater vacations on the upper and lower New Rivers and the Gauley River for all abilities from novice to experienced.
- Greenbrier River Trail [IA][Direct] -
A 75-mile trail through Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties, West Virginia.
- Mountain River Tours [IA][Direct] -
New River trips in spring, summer and fall. Special group rates.
- New River Scenic White Water Tours [IA][Direct] -
Family class, adventure class, and world class rafting on the New and Gauley.
- Project COPE [IA][Direct] -
Activities designed to help scouts learn teamwork, self-confidence, problem solving, and communications skills.
- Rivers Whitewater [IA][Direct] -
Outdoor adventures featuring whitewater rafting, kayacking, rock climbing, fishing, mountain biking, all in the New River Gorge region.
- Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides [IA][Direct] -
Provides rock climbing instruction at the Premier East Coast traditional climbing area. Instruction and guiding services for all climbing levels.
- Songer Whitewater [IA][Direct] -
Services include rafting, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing and rapelling.
- West Virginia Hunting [IA][Direct] -
With information on open seasons, regulations and licenses.
- West Virginia Whitewater [IA][Direct] -
Adventure outfitters providing whitewater raft trips on the New and Gauley rivers in southern West Vigrinia. Campground, catered meals, photographs and wetsuit rentals.