Home > Science > Astronomy > | Organizations | | | | | | | | - Albuquerque Astronomical Society [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit corporation for amateur and professional astronomers, holding monthly meetings, and frequent star parties for members and the public.
- Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) [IA][Direct] -
Serves the entire astronomical community by providing modern, major facilities to qualified scientists from all universities.
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit, educational organization.
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit, educational organization.
- Astronomy In The Carolinas [IA][Direct]
- Board on Physics and Astronomy [IA][Direct] -
National Academny of Sciences.
- Campaign for Dark Skies (CfDS) [IA][Direct] -
British Astronomical Association (BAA) Campaign for Dark Skies. Find out more about the CfDS, what is being done in the UK and what you can do to help save our precious skies from light pollution.
- Centro de Estudos Astronomicos de Alagoas [IA][Direct] -
CEAAL is an association of astronomy from Brazil. See our astronomical journal.
- CRL Tokyo Laser Ranging [IA][Direct]
- Czech Astronomy Society [IA][Direct] -
Events, links, articles from leading Czech and foreign magazines.
- Danish Astronomical Society [IA][Direct] -
Denmark's nationwide organisation for amatuer astronomers.
- Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Members of the Astronomical Community (GLBASTRO) [IA][Direct] -
Forum for support and networking between lesbian, bisexual, gay, transsexual, etc. members of the astronomical community.
- International Dark-Sky Association [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit membership-based organization that aims stop the adverse environmental impact of light pollution and space debris.
- Local Group, The [IA][Direct] -
Astonomy club.
- Minnesota Astronomical Society [IA][Direct] -
Founded in 1972, promotes amateur astronomy and astronomy education.
- Norwegian Astronomical Society@ (1997)
- ORSA - Organizzazione Richerche e Studi di Astronomia [IA][Direct] -
In Palermo.
- Radio Astronomy Group - University of Tasmania [IA][Direct] -
Involved in a wide range of research activities and operates radio observatories near Hobart, Tasmania and Ceduna, South Australia.
- Royal Astronomical Society [IA][Direct] -
Publishes journals, awards medals, fellowships and prizes. Houses one of the most comprehensive libraries and archives in the world.
- SAA (Peruvian Astronomy) [IA][Direct] -
Founded in 1982, promotes astronomy (research, teaching, divulgation) in Peru.
- Sociedad Astronomica de Espana y America (SADEYA) [IA][Direct] -
Oldest astronomical Society of Spain. Information on Astronomy and related sciences. The astronomical programming clearing house. Visit our Meteosat page.
- Society of Astrophysics - Sidwell Friends School [IA][Direct]
- Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas [IA][Direct]
- Thai Astronomical Society [IA][Direct]
- UT Austin - Astronomy Students' Association [IA][Direct]
- Von Braun Astronomial Society [IA][Direct]
- Warren Astronomical Society [IA][Direct] -
General info, members, upcoming events and more.
- Webb Society, The [IA][Direct] -
International society of amateur and professional astronomers specialising in the observation of double stars and 'deep sky' objects.
- Young Scholars in Astronomy and Space Science [IA][Direct]