Hobby*Eberly Telescope [IA][Direct] -
New 9.2-meter telescope presently under construction in partnership with University of Texas, Penn State, Stanford, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, and Georg-August Universität in Göttingen.
Material Properties [IA][Direct] -
Conversion factors, material properties and constants related to telescope design.
Mura-Based Coded-Mask Telescope (MASCO) [IA][Direct] -
A balloon-born imaging telescope for observations of celestial soucers in the X-ray band is described. The imaging capability is provided by a coded-mask.
Next Generation Space Telescope [IA][Direct] -
Addresses questions about the origins of the universe and describes how NASA's next major telescope will help find the answers.
Prometheus II All Sky Survey [IA][Direct] -
PASS gamma ray telescope. Our goal is to prepare the first map of the entire sky at the wavelengths of nuclear astronomy.