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  • Cat Fancy [IA][Direct] - Brings feline expertise to the Web, with news, features, a cat care library, breeder directory, web gallery and a kids section.
  • Cats & Kittens [IA][Direct] - An informative, authoritative, and entertaining guide to everything you need or want to know about cats.
  • Cats Magazine [IA][Direct] - Feline health issues, grooming tips, breeds, contests and more.
  • Cats United International [IA][Direct] - In relentless pursuit to find the coolest stuff, hot new facts and new information for us: The Cats of the World - United we stand.
  • Cat World [IA][Direct]
  • Cyberdogs and Cats Magazine [IA][Direct] - Offers training tips, veterinarian health advice, and an international listing of breeders.
  • I Love Cats [IA][Direct] - Contains health tips, news, products, and a vet who will answer your questions.
  • Persian News [IA][Direct] - Contains articles about medical issues, cattery management, breeding, grooming tips, and more.
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