DIMUND Document Image Understanding Information Server [IA][Direct] -
Research announcements, bibliographies, mailing lists, source code, technical reports, database information, and internet resources for document understanding, character recogntion and some related domains such as information retrieval.(status:down)
Global Informing Science Education [IA][Direct] -
Provides resources for professors and trainers to help improve the quality and content of IS education throughout the world.
Hypatia Library [IA][Direct] -
Directory of research workers in pure mathematics and computer science, and a library of their papers.
Scientific American: Computing with Molecules [IA][Direct] -
A look at recent advances in molecular-scale electronics, a field emerging around the premise that it is possible to build individual molecules that can perform functions identical or analogous to those of key components of today's microcircuits.
Scientific American: Sizing Up Software [IA][Direct] -
Experts disagree about the best way to describe how "big" a software-writing project will be or how long it will take to debug it. An approach of identifying "function points" is catching on.