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Artificial Reefs
  • Alabama Artificial Reef Program [IA][Direct] - The product of a cooperative agreement between the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Marine Resources Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
  • Artificial Reefs of the Florida Keys [IA][Direct] - Research and documentation of artificial reefs from Indiana University. Includes escriptions and photos of several reef sites.
  • HMCS Yukon Artificial Reef Project [IA][Direct] - A project to acquire and sink a Canadian MacKenzie class WWII destroyer in San Diego, CA for economic and environmental enhancement.
  • Marine Artificial Reefs [IA][Direct] - Information on the building and purposes of artificial reefs from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
  • Reef Ball [IA][Direct] - Company manufactures an artificial reef structure that helps stop sand erosion and draws fish and underwater sea life to your home or beach area.
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