Computer Aided Education tools [IA][Direct] -
Tools developed at University of Twente (the Netherlands) which are used with our 'Semiconductor Devices' and 'Basic Electronics' courses.
Discover Engineering '97 [IA][Direct] -
Takes viewers on a journey from high school, through the transition into college and on through to an engineering career.
Fluid Power Educational Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Providing scholarships and supporting pneumatic and hydraulic programs as part of an overall technology education at high school and college levels.
Foundation Coalition [IA][Direct] -
Engineering education reform initiative sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that involves seven diverse institutions.
Indutec [IA][Direct] -
R&D and partnership between Brussels engineering schools and companies.
National Engineers Week [IA][Direct] -
February 16-22, 1997. Visit this official website to find out dozens of ways you can participate.