- Map Viewer (xerox-parc)
[IA][Direct] - 1-Degree DEM File Finder Utility [IA][Direct]
- About GIS [IA][Direct] -
Including examples of how it is used. Presented by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- AGI GIS Dictionary - Original Edition [IA][Direct]
- AGI GIS Dictionary - Revised Edition [IA][Direct] -
Includes definitions for 980 terms which either relate directly to GIS or which GIS users may come across in the course of their work.
- ai-geostats [IA][Direct] -
Info and archives for the mailing list, which covers arc/info, geostats, spatial data, and GIS. Also related Web resources.
- AI-GEOSTATS [IA][Direct] -
Mailing list promoting communication about spatial data analysis (GIS, geostatistics, geoinformatics, spatial statistics, sampling strategies).
- ARC/INFO tutorial [IA][Direct]
- Business Geography Resource Site [IA][Direct] -
Utilizing GIS for business planning.
- Digital Elevation Data Catalogue [IA][Direct]
- FAQ - Geographic Information Systems [IA][Direct]
- FAQ - GIS and General Info List [IA][Direct] -
This is the FAQ for comp.infosystems.gis and GIS-L
- Geographic Information Systems [IA][Direct] -
Explains what a GIS is, how it works, what's special about it, and its applications.
- Geo Info Systems [IA][Direct] -
Monthly publication, covers applications of GIS and related spatial information technologies.
- GeoPlace.com [IA][Direct]
- GIS at the Illinois Natural History Survey [IA][Direct] -
Also serves as a link to one of the most comprehensive sets of statewide GIS data in the United States.
- GIS / Cartography, starting points [IA][Direct]
- GIS Database Query and Map Generation via WWW: Resources & Examples [IA][Direct] -
A current summary of papers, over 15 working examples, and WWW resources covering WWW GIS, mapping, CGI, PERL, JAVA, and HTML Forms.
- GIS Dept. at the National Wetlands Inventory [IA][Direct]
- GIS History Project [IA][Direct] -
Goals include documenting the history of Geographic Information Systems, especially the early days of the technology.
- GIS in Education [IA][Direct] -
Project to introduce GIS technology to grade 4-8 students, with a focus on ecosystem health.
- GIS in Latin America [IA][Direct] -
Includes detailed information on GIS services and technologies in Latin America.
- GIS International Group [IA][Direct] -
Sectoral association on GIS grouping at the European level. Includes universities, research institutions, companies and other private and public bodies dealing with GIS and their applications.
- GIS Resource at Edinburgh [IA][Direct]
- GIS Timeline [IA][Direct] -
Traces the history and development of Geographic Information Systems over the past forty years.
- GIS Web [IA][Direct] -
Submitting and retreiving digital mapdata in Arcinfo- and Mapinfo-export format used in the physical planning process in Sweden.
- Indiana Geographic Information Server (INGIS) [IA][Direct] -
Provides the GIS facilities to encourage, enhance, and facilitate water and other natural resources research projects.
- Louisiana Coastal GIS Network [IA][Direct] -
A means of searching for information and data concerning coastal research and restoration in Louisiana.
- Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality - GIS Center [IA][Direct] -
Contains data sets and maps (static and interactive).
- NAISMap [IA][Direct]
- Netview Maptool [IA][Direct] -
A front end to the ArcInfo GIS allowing the user to create a map of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.
- NYS Spatial Data [IA][Direct] -
Data providers describe their datasets using the FGDC metadata standard. Users can browse through a directory or use a keyword search to find datasets.
- Scientific Assessement and Strategy Team and GIS Data Server [IA][Direct] -
National spatial data infrastructure clearinghouse.
- Spatial Odyssey [IA][Direct] -
Provides WWW access to the full text of GIS conference proceeding articles and the NCGIA GIS Bibliography Series.
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management - Geospatial Information Center [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Department of Transportation - Bureau of Transportation Statistics Office of Geographic Information Services [IA][Direct] -
A national resource for transportation spatial data and GIS in transportation (GIS-T) information.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National GIS Program [IA][Direct] -
Manages, coordinates, and promote EPA's integrated use of spatial data.
- Vancouver Gis Users Group [IA][Direct]
- Washington State Geographic Information Council (WAGIC) [IA][Direct] -
The statewide body responsible for coordinating and facilitating the use and development of Washington State's geospatial information.
- World-Wide Earthquake Locator [IA][Direct]