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Home > Science > Mathematics > Statistics >
  • Grafprog  [TheOldNet][Direct] - Windows program that allows the user to design, copy and save graphs generated by functions or by spreadsheets.
  • LOCFIT [TheOldNet][Direct] - For local regression, likelihood and density estimation.
  • Statiscope [TheOldNet][Direct] - Applet that presents summarizing data and descriptive statistical charts.
  • TELPACK [TheOldNet][Direct] - Teletraffic analysis software which allows users to solve structured Markov chains motivated by probabilistic modeling and analysis.
  • ViSta [TheOldNet][Direct] - Visual statistics system available for Windows, Macs and Unix.
  • WinPLOT [TheOldNet][Direct] - Interactive data display and analysis system for Windows that provides a general purpose tool for analyzing large amounts of tabular data in graphical form.
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