- American Indian Culture and Research Journal [IA][Direct]
- American Indian Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
A refereed, interdisciplinary journal of the histories, anthropologies, literatures, and arts of Native North America.
- Cultural Anthropology [IA][Direct] -
Open to innovations in theory, research, and ethnography.
- Cultural Anthropology Methods [IA][Direct]
- Cultural Dynamics [IA][Direct] -
A programmatic journal which invites scholars to think about culture, cutting across the traditional boundaries of the social sciences.
- Journal of Material Culture [IA][Direct] -
Interdisciplinary journal,concerned with the relationship between artefacts and social relations, aims to systematically explore links between construction of social identities and production and use of material culture.
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly [IA][Direct]
- Web Pages and Other Resources for Indian Schools [IA][Direct] -
200+ web pages, original Native sources: stories, research, curricula, tools for Native scholars & teachers.