- Anthro-1 Archives [IA][Direct] -
Hypertext archives for the anthro-l mailing list and the Usenet newsgroups sci.anthropology.paleo and sci.anthropology, along some other anthropology resources.
- AnthroNet [IA][Direct] -
Includes subscription forms for anthropology-related e-mail lists.
- Anthropology Exhibits on the WWW [IA][Direct] -
From the Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing.
- Anthropology Internet Resources (WCSU List) [IA][Direct] -
Department of Social Sciences at Western Connecticut State University maintains a general listing of Internet resources for anthropology. Site links other social sciences resource lists.
- Anthropology on the Internet [IA][Direct] -
Links include museums, journals, labs and more.
- Anthropology Resources on the Internet [IA][Direct] -
On-line resources of interest to anthropologists.
- Anthropology Webliography [IA][Direct] -
College departments, discussion groups, organizations, periodicals, projects, reference materials, and more.
- Anthropology World Wide Web Sites [IA][Direct]
- Anthropology - WWW Virtual Library [IA][Direct]
- CSU Stanislaus Cultural Anthropology Links [IA][Direct]
- Deaf Anthropology Page [IA][Direct] -
Page, created by Karen Nakamura at Yale is meant as a central site for Deaf related topics as part of her dissertation project in cultural anthropology.
- EINET Anthropology Page [IA][Direct]
- HOMINID [IA][Direct]
- Index - Anthropology Resources on the Internet (European Mirror) [IA][Direct]
- Nicole's AnthroPage [IA][Direct] -
Links to universities, museums, fellowship information sites and more.
- Sean's History and Culture Links [IA][Direct]
- VoS:Anthropology Page [IA][Direct]