Home > Social Science > Science, Technology and Society > | Conventions and Conferences | | | - Colloque de l'Alliance pour un monde responsable et solidaire [IA][Direct] -
Colloque international; 6-10 juin/June 1996; Ville de Laval, Quebec.
- First Latin American Conference @ MIT: "Technology, Business & Policy" [IA][Direct] -
Business, political and educational leaders of Latin American will gather @ MIT to discuss technology as a source of sustainable development for the region. MIT, April 26 1997.
- Ideas Fest '96 : Festival of Innovation, Creativity, Science and Technology [IA][Direct] -
The festival of innovation, science and technology.
- Preparing Schools for the Genetic Revolution [IA][Direct] -
In Lincoln, NE, November 7-8, 1996 on Genetics, Policy,and Schools; contains call-for-papers (April 1 deadline) and description.
- SCICOMM96 Conference [IA][Direct] -
Fourth international conference on the public communication of science and technology; University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Social Studies of Science Conference [IA][Direct]
- Techkriti '96 [IA][Direct] -
February 16 - 18, ITT Kanpur.
- Third World Conference [IA][Direct] -
March 27-30, 1996; Chicago, IL.
- Work in the Information Society [IA][Direct] -
An international symposium covering the need for health, safety and well-being at work in the information society. [01/12/96-04/22/96]