- SERVEnet [IA][Direct] -
Home of Youth Service America. Site includes daily service news, online resources and volunteer opportunity postings, searchable by zip code.
- Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital [IA][Direct] -
An interview with Robert Putnam from the Journal of Democracy.
- IdeaList [IA][Direct] -
Includes a directory of thousands of nonprofit websites, an online library for nonprofits and a database of volunteer opportunities nationwide.
- Impact Online [IA][Direct] -
Aims to use technology to facilitate and increase community involvement by both providing information about social issues and creating web pages for non-profit organizations.
- Neighborhoods Online [IA][Direct] -
Online resource center for people working to build strong communities throughout the United States. Includes issues guides, community development resources, and more.
- Volunteer for Kids [IA][Direct] -
Ways that you can volunteer to make a difference in the life of a child and links to volunteer opportunities, from the National Children's Coalition.
- VolunteerWeb [IA][Direct] -
Provides a forum for connecting potential volunteers and organizations/agencies.