- Acodin [IA][Direct] -
Por la defensa de los derechos de los niños de Costa Rica.
- All Stars Helping Kids [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization based on the idea that the community can help raise a child.
- Article 12 [IA][Direct] -
Interactive site developed by Article 12 in Scotland; introduces young people to the rights of the UN Convention.
- Association To Benefit Children (ABC) [IA][Direct] -
Network of programs includes child advocacy, education for disabled children, care for HIV+ children, employment, housing, foster care, and day care.
- Best Interests [IA][Direct] -
News and resources for professionals and volunteers who advocate in the best interests of abused and neglected children.
- Child Advocate [IA][Direct] -
Serves the needs of children, families and professionals while addressing educational, legal and medical issues.
- Child Advocates of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties (CASA) [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to serving abused children.
- Child Development Policy Advisory Committee [IA][Direct] -
Current information on policies related to child care and development and children's programs and issues in California.
- Child Protection Reform [IA][Direct] -
Provides information about public policy, addresses family abuse by the system, and calls for legislation reform.
- Children Of Separation and Divorce (COSD) [IA][Direct] -
Helping people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds adjust to the continuous process of separation, divorce and remarriage.
- Children's Aid Society [IA][Direct] -
Serving the Peel Region, Ontario, Canada, Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga.
- Children's House [IA][Direct] -
Meeting place for exchange of information that serves the well-being of children.
- Child Welfare [IA][Direct]
- Convention on the Rights of the Child@ (1999)
- CRY : Child Relief & You@ (1999)
- Forgotten Kids [IA][Direct]
- Foundation for Children at Risk [IA][Direct] -
Program for autistic children under the age of six in Israel.
- Free The Children [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the protection of children from exploitation and to the greater participation of young people in social issues.
- Georgia Supreme Court Child Placement Project [IA][Direct] -
Created to evaluate juvenile court proceedings involving abused, neglected, and deprived children in Georgia.
- Henry Helps Page for Children's Rights [IA][Direct] -
Links, articles, chat, stories, and the definition as of the United Nations Children's Fund.
- Indonesian Street Children [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to the issues of street children and child prostitution in Indonesia, particularly the city of Semarang, Java.
- Jumpstart [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization that engages young people in service to their community to work toward the day when every child in America will enter school prepared to succeed.
- National Association of Homes and Services for Children (NAHSC) [IA][Direct] -
Nationwide network of charities helping abused, abandoned, and emotionally disturbed children and strengthening families.
- National Center for Youth Law [IA][Direct] -
Addresses the problems of children including abuse, neglect, health care, public benefits, housing, detention, and support.
- National Coalition for Child Protection Reform [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to reforming the child welfare system through education, litigation and advocacy.
- National Youth In Care Network [IA][Direct] -
National non-profit group run by and for young people in care in Canada.
- Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) [IA][Direct] -
Operates child development centers and other health and developmental programs for farmworker and rural low-income families in Florida.
- Santa Claus Anonymous [IA][Direct] -
Fundraising for innovative youth programs.
- Sparrow Lake Alliance [IA][Direct] -
Coalition of professionals, children's services providers, parents and youth organizations committed to improving services for children, youth and families.
- Stand for Children [IA][Direct] -
National day of commitment to children on June 1, 1996 at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
- Standing Stone Voices for Children [IA][Direct] -
Public forum to assist "average people" in initiating legislative change to improve the healh, well-being, and quality of life for children.
- Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of Our Youngest Children [IA][Direct] -
Abridged version of the report of the Carnegie Task Force.
- Stiftung für Kinder [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit foundation supports children in the Philippines. In English and German.
- Street Children [IA][Direct] -
Resources for those working with and on behalf of street children worldwide.
- Street Children [IA][Direct] -
Resources for those working with and on behalf of street children worldwide.
- Survivors of Incest Anonymous World Service Office [IA][Direct] -
Resource for survivors of child sexual abuse. Offers literature and samples.
- Travis County Children's Advocacy Center [IA][Direct]
- Web Directory - Child Welfare Resource Centre [IA][Direct] -
List of mostly Canadian links to organizations with an interest in child welfare issues.
- Wishing Star Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Grants wishes to children with life threatening diseases.
- World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children [IA][Direct] -
They pay with their childhood. It costs them their dignity. It takes away their health. Selling children for sex. Stop it. Now.
- Youth Law Center [IA][Direct] -
Attorneys and caseworkers who help victimized and troubled children.