- Electric Mercado: Literature [IA][Direct] -
Highlights the work of Latino authors.
- El Golem [IA][Direct] -
Textos de autores poco difundidos y la posibilidad de publicar sus cuentos, poemas o ensayos.
- Espiritu Santo and The Snake [IA][Direct] -
Two short stories about evil and curiosity, by Sergio Troncoso, who is from the Mexican-American border of El Paso, Texas.
- Gay & Lesbian Themes in Hispanic Literature & Cultures [IA][Direct] -
Includes graphics from books covers.
- Internauta Poesia [IA][Direct] -
Bi-monthly Argentine and Latin-American poetry cyberzine.
- Latino Literature [IA][Direct]
- Poetas of the Obsidian Tongue [IA][Direct] -
Poetry group devoted to Chicano love, power, pain, and passion.
- Queer Chicano Fiction [IA][Direct] -
Bibliography of Chicana lesbian fiction with links to bibliographies of Chicana/Latina literature.
- Snake, The [IA][Direct] -
In this short story by Sergio Troncoso, a young boy on the Mexican-American border has an adventure with a snake as he explores the dangers and opportunities of his world.
- Taco Shop Poets [IA][Direct] -
Performers who have converted the Taco Shop into temporary cultural centers. Performances consist of music, poetry, prose, storytelling and ritual.