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Home > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature > Disasters > Relief Organizations >
  • Bosnia Network [TheOldNet][Direct] - A nonprofit, interfaith network of concerned professionals formed to help plan the rebuilding of devastated communities through the application of urban design techniques.
  • Community of Bosnia Foundation [TheOldNet][Direct] - Non-profit organization based near Philadelphia formed to support a culturally pluralistic, multireligious Bosnia-Herzegovina and assist Bosnians in tangible ways.
  • Convoy Bosnia [TheOldNet][Direct] - Non-profit organization concerned about the plight of the hundreds of thousands of civilians wounded, orphaned or made homeless by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Convoy of Hope Wales [TheOldNet][Direct] - Detailing the efforts of Mike Baker and his friends in aiding refugees and children in Croatia/Bosnia.
  • Friends of Bosnia  [TheOldNet][Direct] - Promotes the idea of a unified, multi-ethnic Bosnia; provides relief to families and children.
  • Global Humanitarian Appeal for Bosnia and Herzegovina [TheOldNet][Direct] - A private sector initiative from Malaysia to rally support in cash or kind for the reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Job 22 [TheOldNet][Direct] - Helps refugees, displaced persons and returnees obtain information about the current state of their civil legal rights within Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • Magdalen College Aid to Bosnia [TheOldNet][Direct] - Student-run group that has taken aid to refugee camps in Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia; has also worked with refugees in these camps.
  • Women for Women in Bosnia [TheOldNet][Direct] - A basic information page offering a phone number and list of board A basic information page offering a phone number and list of board a basic information page offering a phone number and list of board members for an organization whose representatives work with existing relief groups in Bosnia and Croatia to identify women needing the most assistance.
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