- Agencia Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Madeira [IA][Direct] -
AREM is a non-profit organisation, aiming to promote environmental protection.
- Alucan Recycling [IA][Direct]
- Amanaka'a Amazon Network [IA][Direct] -
Works directly with Amazon leaders in support of their projects for survival, human rights, the environment, health, sustainable development, education, and more.
- Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit corporation founded in 1968 to preserve the natural resource on Cape Cod through advocacy, public education, publications, and scientific research.
- Audubon Institute [IA][Direct] -
Goal is to foster appreciation and, ultimately, conservation of ecosystems, which are showcased in several museums and parks dedicated to nature.
- Bay Area Action [IA][Direct] -
Citizen education organization working to preserve and restore the environment.
- Biopolitics International Organisation [IA][Direct]
- Bosque Lluvioso Rio Costa Rica [IA][Direct] -
Foundation dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Costa Rican rainforests.
- Bristol Friends of the Earth [IA][Direct]
- Bullitt Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Committed to the protection and restoration of the environment of the Pacific Northwest.
- California Materials Exchange (CALMAX) [IA][Direct] -
Onserving energy, resources, and landfill space by helping businesses and organizations find alternatives to the disposal of valuable materials or wastes.
- Campaign for Alternatives to Petrochemicals (CAP) [IA][Direct] -
Educational and action generating endeavor directed at consumers, activists, fence-line communities, policy makers, and others.
- Campaign for Cleaner Corporations [IA][Direct]
- Campus Green Vote [IA][Direct]
- Center for Ethics and Toxics [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit environmental group dedicated to providing education to protect individuals from the toxic effects of chemicals.
- Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (cserge) [IA][Direct] -
Conducts research into the social and economic effects of global warming, biological diversity and environmental change.
- Chehalis River Council [IA][Direct] -
A nonprofit corporation dedicated to maintaining and restoring the water resources of the Chehalis River Basin.
- Clark County Environmental Internet Coalition [IA][Direct] -
State of the Environment in Clark County, Washington, USA
- CLEAR - Citizens League for Environmental Action & Recovery [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit making environmental education videos and software available to educators and youth groups.
- Coalition for Public Trust [IA][Direct] -
Non-partisan coalition of Washington state citizens committed to land management and quality of life issues.
- Conservation and Preservation Charities of America [IA][Direct] -
Producing consolidated workplace efforts that are lean, clean & green.
- COPA [IA][Direct] -
Citizens Opposed to PCB Ash. Info concerning PCB and dioxin pollution, and alternative remediation techniques. Superfund, EPA, CERCLA, NEPA, and more
- Delft Hydraulics [IA][Direct] -
Not-for-profit consultant specialising in water related subjects.
- Dolphin Island Greenware [IA][Direct] -
Non profit association, creator of the Greenware concept and products. Objective is to create and sell software of which proceeds go entirely to funding of nature and sea life preservation.
- Earth Pledge Foundation [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization promoting Sustainable Development
- EarthWatch [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit company founded in 1972, which provides funding to scientific endevors through the Earthcorps volunteers in 150 countries.
- Earthwave Society [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to information and education relating to fish, wildlife, conservation and the environment. Producers of nature documentaries for public television broadcast.
- Ecological Society of America@ (1997)
- EcoNet@ (1997)
- EMAGE [IA][Direct] -
Nottingham based environment project trying to encourage the use of environmental best practice among small and medium sized businesses.
- Environmental Defense Fund [IA][Direct] -
Representing 300,000 members, combines science, economics, and law to find economically sustainable solutions to environmental problems.
- Environmental Fund for Georgia [IA][Direct]
- Environmental Hazards Management Institute (EHMI) [IA][Direct]
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan [IA][Direct] -
ERIM is a private, nonprofit, high technology organization that performs research and development and related services for its sponsors.
- Environmental Volunteers
[IA][Direct] -
Promotes understanding of and responsibility for the environment through hands-on science education in San Mateo and Santa Clara county elementary and middle schools. - Environmental Working Group [IA][Direct] -
Providing the public with new, locally relevant information on environmental issues in their own states, home towns and neighborhoods.
- Envirosense Consortium, Inc [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization of strategic companies dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues facing building owners and facility managers, with a focus on indoor air quality.
- For the Sake of the Salmon [IA][Direct] -
To restore salmon to levels which ensure healthy sustainable natural populations and support productive fisheries.
- Free The Planet! [IA][Direct]
- Freshman Interest Group [IA][Direct]
- Friends of Jerome Park Reservoir
[IA][Direct] -
Formed to stop the building of a water filtration project in the Jerome Park Reservoir. - Friends of the Croton Watershed [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to improving New York City's watershed through environmentally sound alternatives to filtration.
- Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) [IA][Direct]
- Friends of the Environment [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization, dedicated to protecting and improving Canada's natural environment.
- Friends of the River Kelvin (FORK) [IA][Direct] -
Volunteer organisation dedicated to the natural environment of the Kelvin Valley.
- Fundação Roberto Marinho [IA][Direct] -
FRM é uma sociedade civil de natureza cultural que se dedica, através do uso eficiente das tecnologias da comunicação, a um trabalho voltado para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos brasileiros.
- Gaia e.V. [IA][Direct]
- Give Water a Hand [IA][Direct]
- Global Futures [IA][Direct] -
A nonprofit environmental consulting company that specializes in business and environment conflict resolution, environmental policy analysis, and resource efficiency.
- GLOBE - Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment [IA][Direct] -
A worldwide science and education program coordinating the work of students, teachers, and scientists to monitor the global environment.
- Green Building Information Council [IA][Direct] -
Works to advance the energy and environmental performance of buildings through the creation, exchange and application of appropriate and timely information.
- Green Cross International [IA][Direct] -
Working on sustainable development. Active in 20 countries. Our President is the Hon Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev.
- GREEN - Global Rivers Environmental Education Network [IA][Direct] -
Seeks to improve the quality of watersheds and rivers, and thereby the lives of people.
- GREENlink [IA][Direct] -
Your Starting Point for a Green solution. Environmental issues, recycling, composting, water/air quality, waste management.
- Ground Water Advisory Committee [IA][Direct] -
Educating the public on issues relating to water conservation and aquifer protection.
- Handbook for a Better Future [IA][Direct]
- Hazardous and Medical Waste Program [IA][Direct] -
Provides information relating to hazardous and medical waste issues, EPA Monthly Hotline Reports.
- Helios Environmental Resource Network [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit environmental organization providing printed and on-line information about environmentally sound and healthful products and services in the Cascadia Bioregion.
- Help Preserve the Grand Canyon [IA][Direct] -
Help Stop A Massive Commercial Development From Ruining The Grand Canyon! Now we need your help to stop this from happening.
- Hidden Villa [IA][Direct]
- IdeeFix Communication [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organisation for environment and communication.
- Illinois Recycling Association [IA][Direct] -
Promoting recycling, reuse and waste reduction.
- Index - Environmental Organizations [IA][Direct]
- INFORM, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Identifies practical ways of living and doing business that are environmentally sustainable. Programs in sustainable products and practices, chemical hazards prevention, and sustainable transportation.
- International Arid Lands Consortium -IALC [IA][Direct] -
An independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering sustainable uses of the world's arid and semiarid lands.
- International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) [IA][Direct] -
ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments
- International Dark-Sky Association [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit membership-based organization that aims stop the adverse environmental impact of light pollution and space debris.
- International Society for Environmental Ethics [IA][Direct]
- International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation, Ltd. [IA][Direct] -
Detailed information about ITOPF and oil spills from tankers including historical data; fate and effects; clean-up techniques; planning and response; compensation; and sources of further information.
- Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission [IA][Direct] -
Representing the governors of 29 states on oil and natural gas issues.
- Iowa Prairie Network [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to preserving the most endangered biome in North America, the tallgrass prairie
- IUCN, The World Conservation Union [IA][Direct] -
To influence, encourage, and assist societies throughout the world to conserve nature and that use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.
- Johns Hopkins University [IA][Direct]
- LightHawk [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit international organization that brings the power of flight to conservation and designs and carries out creative environmental campaigns.
- Living Earth [IA][Direct] -
An international organization working to create understanding and resolution of environmental issues within local communities through education
- Longfellow Creek [IA][Direct] -
Highlights the clean-up and restoration efforts of the Longfellow Creek Watershed Action Project.
- Marine Resourcse Development Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Provide aquatic education in two locations including the Tugaloo Environmental Education Center and the Marine Lab in Key Largo, Fl.
- Millennium Foundation of Canada [IA][Direct]
- Millennium Institute [IA][Direct] -
Provides news on the State of the World, tools for achieving environmentally sustainable development, and ideas for celebrating the new millennium in 2000 in constructive ways.
- Mountain Forum [IA][Direct] -
The Mountain Forum offers a venue for global linkage of individuals and organizations concerned with mountain cultures, environment and sustainable development.
- National Audobon Society@ (1997)
- National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA)@ (1997)
- National Recycling Coalition [IA][Direct]
- National Resources Defense Council [IA][Direct] -
National nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the world's natural resources and ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all.
- Natural Resources Defense Council@ (1997)
- Nature Conservancy@ (1999)
- NECONA [IA][Direct] -
National Environmental Coalition Of Native Americans: environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands.
- New Jersey Heat Pump Council [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization which is dedicated to the promotion of high-efficiency heat pumps throughout the State of New Jersey.
- New York EcoPolitics [IA][Direct] -
Covers environmental politics in New York State, including relevant elections, bond acts, legislative decisions, etc.
- North American Regional Environmental Youth Forum [IA][Direct] -
A group of young environmentalists sharing interests, energy and information to increase their own ability as activists in their bio-regions.
- North Cascades Conservation Council [IA][Direct] -
To protect and preserve the North Cascades' scenic, scientific, recreational, educational, and wilderness values.
- Northwest Environment Watch [IA][Direct] -
An independent research center to foster a sustainable economy and way of life in the Pacific Northwest
- OceanBlue [IA][Direct] -
Home to various ocean related subjects, including SeaSports,(ocean based sports information), BestBeaches, and IslandEarth,(an environmental awareness site devoted to the oceans).
- Oceania Project, The [IA][Direct] -
Its vision is to engage the minds of people around the planet to become inspired about cetacea, the oceans and the marine environment.
- Okeanos Ocean Research Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Established and incorporated in 1980 to conduct research and education programs about the region's marine species. Operates whale watch and seal cruises.
- Oregon Lands Coalition [IA][Direct] -
Environmental organization helping to manage natural resources.
- Oregon Natural Resources Council [IA][Direct] -
Contains political alerts on conservation issues, environmental newsletters and a list of great hiking trails in Oregon's wilderness.
- Organizations and the Natural Environment [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the advancement of research, teaching, and service in the area of relationships between organizations and the natural environment.
- Pacific Basin Consortium on Hazardous Waste Research and Management [IA][Direct] -
Hazardous Waste issues in the Pacific Rim / Pacific Basin.
- Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute [IA][Direct] -
Serving as a focal point of environmental discussions in North Idaho and Eastern Washington State.
- Panos [IA][Direct] -
Works internationally, in partnership with others, to bring about change to more sustainable patterns of development.
- Partners for Environmental Protection [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation [IA][Direct]
- Planning and Conservation League of California [IA][Direct] -
PCL is a non-profit organization acting to protect and restore the quality of California's environment through legislative and administrative action.
- Project Clean Air [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization of concerned citizens working together to improve the air quality of the San Joaquin Valley.
- Project Underground [IA][Direct] -
Environmental and human rights organization working to support communities facing mining, oil and gas operations worldwide.
- Public Citizen - Critical Mass Energy Project [IA][Direct] -
Energy policy information relating to nuclear power, radioactive waste, renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation and electricity restructuring.
- Public Interest Research Groups@ (1997)
- Resource Renewal Institute [IA][Direct] -
To support ideas, individuals and new institutions that further the principles of sustainable natural resource management.
- Rivers Council of Washington [IA][Direct]
- Rocky Mountain Institute [IA][Direct] -
To foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security.
- San Francisco Recycling Program [IA][Direct] -
Info on waste prevention, reuse and recycling at home, work or school, including interactive activities.
- San Jacinto River Association [IA][Direct] -
Preserve, protect and defend the San Jacinto River and its tributaries. Will inform and educate about the river, serve as its advocate and act as its watchdog.
- Save Our Seashore, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Help protect our valuable asset, our shoreline. Learn how you can help to stem erosion and destruction.
- Save the Sound [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit organization deticated to saving Long Island Sound.
- Sierra Club@ (1997)
- SmogBusters [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to cleaning our air
- Solid Waste Association of North America [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit education organization whose mission is to advance the practice of municipal solid waste management.
- Sonoma County Conservation Action (SCCA) [IA][Direct] -
Nonpartisan political arm of the local environmental movement.
- SoundWeb [IA][Direct] -
Kids for Puget Sound.
- Southern California Nature Groups [IA][Direct] -
Environmental coalitions.
- Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance [IA][Direct] -
Fighting to preserve Utah's spectacular wildlands.
- Southern Utah Wilderness Organization [IA][Direct]
- Spectrum of Light [IA][Direct] -
Do kids care about the environment? You bet we do.
- Suisun Marsh Natural History Association [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to saving wildlife and to the preservation of the marsh, through wildlife rehabilitation and public education.
- Surfrider@ (1997)
- Sustainable Communities Network [IA][Direct]
- The Yosemite Fund [IA][Direct] -
Supports critical Park Service projects for wildlife research, habitat restoration, trail maintenance and exhibits.
- Trail Center [IA][Direct]
- Trees for Life [IA][Direct] -
Helps people in developing countries plant fruit trees, which provide nutrition and fight hunger, as well as protect the environment. We also offer an educational tree growing kit, The Trees for Life Adventure.
- Trout Unlimited [IA][Direct] -
Our mission is to conserve, protect, and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.
- United Environment Fund [IA][Direct] -
Supports the work of environmental organizations throughout the United States by helping them to increase their funding and achieve greater financial self-sufficiency.
- US Green Building Council [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit concensus coalition promoting the understanding, development, and accelerated implementation of green buildings
- Utah Wilderness Education Project [IA][Direct] -
Illustrate Utah and national wilderness issues/problems. Provides facts, information, perspectives and documents.
- Voluntarios en Investigacion y Desarrollo Ambiental [IA][Direct] -
VIDA es una organizacion sin fines de lucro que se dedica al desarrollo y conservacion del medio ambiente, por medio de programas de voluntariado, conservacion y educacion ambiental
- Washington Environmental Alliance for Voter Education (WEAVE) [IA][Direct]
- Washington Environmental Council [IA][Direct]
- Washington Water Trails Association [IA][Direct]
- Waterway Recovery Group [IA][Direct] -
National co-ordinating body for voluntary labour on the inland waterways of Britain. Organises working weekends and Canal Camps.
- Wilderness Society [IA][Direct] -
Devoted primarly to public lands protection and management issues.
- Wilderness Society, The (Australia) [IA][Direct] -
Environment organisation which focuses on the protection of Australian Wilderness
- Wildlands Restoration Team [IA][Direct]
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre [IA][Direct] -
Mission is to work towards the sustainable use of the Earth's natural resources by providing conservation data and services.
- Youth for Environmental Sanity [IA][Direct]