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  • American Guild of Judaic Art [IA][Direct] - Forum and referral service to help promote Judaic Art. Members including artists, galleries, retailers of Judaica and many others professionally involved in the field.
  • Ben Uri Art Society [IA][Direct] - Collection of over 800 paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture by Jewish artists, selections from which are shown regularly.
  • Gropper Windows: Genesis in Glass [IA][Direct] - West Suburban Temple Har Zion invites you to visit this magnificent set of stained glass windows depicting familiar scenes from Genesis.
  • Jewish Museum in Prague [IA][Direct] - Houses a collection of artistic artifacts and items of printed material. Located on the site of what was once the Prague Jewish ghetto.
  • Jewish Museum - New York [IA][Direct] - An art experience which captures 4000 years of history and culture.
  • National Jewish Children's Art Museum [IA][Direct] - Shows work produced by children and adolescents in various art therapy groups and individual sessions at the National Jewish Medical and Research Center.
  • STaM On Line  [IA][Direct] - History and background of STaM--Jewish scribal arts. Visit a scribe's studio in Israel.
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