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Home > Society and Culture > Religion > Paganism > Wicca and Witchcraft >
  • Cauldrons & Broomsticks  [IA][Direct] - A monthly electronic newsletter by and for the pagan/wiccan internet community. Articles on herbs, magick, ritual, tarot, sabatts. Magickal fiction and poetry.
  • Connections  [IA][Direct] - Journal of community, philosophy, and magick.
  • Leon's List [IA][Direct] - Wortcunning presents Leon's List - the top 10 titles on Witchcraft.
  • Seeker, The [IA][Direct] - A monthly newsletter for the Midwest Pagan community.
  • Witch's Brew [IA][Direct] - Contacts, birthday club, Witchhaven mailing list, online library, bos, links and much more.
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