- asarian.org [IA][Direct] -
A free service to survivors of sexual abuse. This server provides anonymous accounts to survivors so they can retain their anonymity.
- California Coalition on Sexual Offending [IA][Direct] -
Professionals from law enforcement, criminal justice, mental health, probation, corrections and parole who are dedicated to addressing the complex issues related to sexual offending.
- Male Survivors Sexual, Physical, Emotional Abuse & Neglect - Vancouver, BC [IA][Direct]
- National Coalition Against Sexual Assault [IA][Direct] -
A leader in the national movement to end sexual violence. NCASA is committed to the elimination of sexual violence through intervention, education, advocacy, and public policy.
- Operation Camelot [IA][Direct] -
Believes that abusers of women and children must receive the most severe penalties the law will allow. They seek the death penalty for murderers and have declared war on rapists.
- Sidran Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Resources and materials for persons with dissociative disorders and treating professionals. Extensive catalog of books and videos on trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder (MPD), child sexual abuse.