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  • Acid-free Paper, The [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to visual art and literature with a dash of net-culture. Has strong ties with North Bay's alternative art gallery, White Water Gallery.
  • American Art [IA][Direct] - Journal of the National Museum of American Art explores the cultural factors that have shaped American art and artists over three centuries of national experience.
  • Artfirst [IA][Direct] - An informational and educational publication for Mississippi's professional visual artists and craftspeople, from the University of Mississippi Art Department.
  • Bulletin of the Asia Institute [IA][Direct] - Presents studies in the art, archaeology, and culture of ancient Western and Central Asia.
  • Captivated [IA][Direct] - Chronicles from the fringe. Hawkins from Story County Jail. Bud from his taxi. Sheldon at the terminal bar.
  • Encontro Project [IA][Direct] - A Portugues/English artist journal covering all aspects of art, from poetry to painting.
  • Flightless Hummingbird [IA][Direct] - Art, Paranoia, Eschatology, Fashion Tips
  • glossen [IA][Direct] - A scholarly journal focusing on literature, film and art in German speaking countries after 1945.
  • Journal of Contemporary Art [IA][Direct] - Art Magazine with interviews, web projects by artists, writing of artists, portfolios
  • Lingo [IA][Direct] - Letters, portfolios, jazz, new music, collaborations, translations, poetry, essays and art.
  • Modernity - Critiques of Visual Culture [IA][Direct]
  • Southern Quarterly, The [IA][Direct] - Journal of the arts in the South, from the Mason Dixon Line to the Caribbean.
  • Springerpool [IA][Direct] - Network version of the Springer Magazin (german art magazin)
  • think [IA][Direct] - A Newspaper of Literary and Visual Art. fiction, poetry, 2-D art,and commentary.
  • Tome of the Literati [IA][Direct] - The Tome is an organic journal of fiction, poetry, comics, art, and reviews. Readers may submit work for publication.
  • Winterthur Portfolio [IA][Direct] - Publishing articles on the arts and artifacts of America and the historical context within which they developed.
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