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Home > Entertainment > Music > Artists >
  • Chapin, Tom@  (1997)
  • Chapin, Tom  [IA][Direct] - Award-winning Sony recording artist writes, records and performs music for families.
  • Chris McKhool [IA][Direct] - Acclaimed as the "eco-troubadour of the 90s."
  • Daniel, Rhoda [IA][Direct] - Musical career is highlighted on these pages, including 3 recorded albums and a massive new project entitled 'The Bible in Song - for Children'.
  • Grunsky, Jack [IA][Direct]
  • Incy Wincy [IA][Direct] - Acclaimed Australian children's entertainment trio Incy Wincy. Contains detailed information about the group, live performances, latest recordings.
  • Judy and David [IA][Direct] - Children's recording artists, Judy & David... includes an online songbook of many children's songs (children's music)
  • Judy and David [IA][Direct] - Children's recording artists, Judy & David... includes an online songbook of many children's songs (children's music)
  • Michael Anderson and the Polar Bear Band [IA][Direct] - Original music for kids, ages 4 to 10.
  • Mr. Bill [IA][Direct] - Fun, safe interactive zone for kids who love adventure and cool things to do.
  • Teds, The [IA][Direct] - Original songs for small children by 'The Teds.' Download sample songs, read our rave reviews and/or order audio cassettes.
  • Wiggles [IA][Direct] - Popular Australian children's music group.
  • Will, Jack [IA][Direct] - Children's music singer and songwriter.
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