- How far is it? [IA][Direct] -
Enter two places and find out how far apart they are.
- U.S. Gazetteer [IA][Direct] -
Browse geographic info, maps and Census data for U.S. cities
- About.com: Geography [IA][Direct] -
Contemporary and historic maps, weather, culture, chat, population statistics, and more.
- Ancient Geography [IA][Direct] -
Background on the science of geography from the University of Texas at Austin.
- Country Profiles [IA][Direct] -
General data on selected countries of the world, including data on administrative divisions (provinces) and major cities for each country.
- Digital Elevation Data Catalogue [IA][Direct]
- Digitale Stad Emmen in opbouw ???? [IA][Direct] -
Gemeente Emmen, Emmen, Barger-Oosterveld, Weerdinge, Barger-Compascuum, Klazienaveen-Noord, Emmer-Compascuum,
- Electronic Resources for the Study of Ancient Landscapes [IA][Direct]
- Geo-Globe [IA][Direct] -
Interactive games that help you learn geography.
- Geographic NameServer [IA][Direct] -
Includes ZIPcode lookup.
- Geographic Name Server/Xerox Map Gateway [IA][Direct]
- Geography Quiz/Contest [IA][Direct] -
A general quiz and contest to educate the populus about geography
- geo-gw 1.0: Gateway to the Geography Server at UMichigan [IA][Direct] -
CGI-gateway to the geography server at UMichigan
- Geological Survey@ (1996)
- GeoWeb [IA][Direct] -
Digital geographic information and data more easily available to GIS researchers and the general public.
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) [IA][Direct] -
A structured vocabulary developed primarily for the field of art history, but with the potential for wide applications in related disciplines such as archeology, history, and geography.
- Globe Server [IA][Direct] -
Answers geographically-related questions, providing maps, weather reports, and factual information.
- Graphic Map's Geography Quiz [IA][Direct] -
Daily contest with cash prizes.
- Helping Your Child Learn Geography [IA][Direct] -
From creating treasure maps to helping children find pen pals, this site offers many simple, fun activities to teach youngsters the fundamentals of geography. From the U.S. Department of Education.
- Interactive Geographical Index [IA][Direct]
- Internet Geographer [IA][Direct] -
Includes a searchable directory of links, quizzes, message board, and trivia.
- Lakeland High School Geography Page [IA][Direct] -
Contacts to various geography sites organized by subject areas such as mapping, U.S. geography, world geography, etc.
- Land Surveyor Reference Page [IA][Direct] -
Contains over 300 pages including state rules & regs, surveyors white pages, surveying companies yellow pages, articles of interest, plus much more...
- Manual of Federal Geographic Data Products [IA][Direct]
- Microstate Resources [IA][Direct] -
Info for anyone interested in the affairs of very small countries, autonomous territories, colonies and similar domains.
- Northern Atlantic Islands Programme [IA][Direct] -
Information about the islands of the North Atlantic.
- Physical Geography Resources [IA][Direct]
- Project GeoSim - Geography Education Software. [IA][Direct]
- Small Islands Information Network [IA][Direct] -
To establish an easily accessible electronic information network to link people interested in small islands with each other and with information relevant to small islands.
- U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Services and Information [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Department of State Geographic Learning Site [IA][Direct] -
Designed to assist the teaching of geography and foreign affairs to students in grades K-12.
- Usenet - sci.geo.eos [IA][Direct] -
NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS).
- U.S. Geological Survey@ (1999)
- Xpeditions [IA][Direct] -
Discover nearly 1,800 ways to see, and print, the world.