Home > Science > Geography > | Institutes | | | | | | | | - Auburn University [IA][Direct]
- Augustana College [IA][Direct]
- Australian National University [IA][Direct]
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev [IA][Direct]
- Catholic University of Louvain [IA][Direct]
- Charles University [IA][Direct]
- Dartmouth College [IA][Direct]
- Geological Survey@ (1996)
- George Mason University [IA][Direct]
- Hong Kong Baptist University - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences [IA][Direct]
- Hunter College (CUNY) [IA][Direct]
- Institute of Island Studies [IA][Direct]
- John Hopkins University [IA][Direct]
- Kent State University [IA][Direct] -
GIS, remote sensing; human, urban, and physical geography.
- London Guildhall University [IA][Direct]
- Macalester College - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- McMaster University [IA][Direct]
- Memorial University - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- Michigan State University - Department of Geography [IA][Direct] -
Programs of study, courses, research, faculty, and students in Geography, Landscape Architecture, and Urban and Regional Plannning
- National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA)@ (1999)
- Northeastern Illinois University - Geography & Environmental Studies [IA][Direct] -
G&ES offers one M.A and two B.A. programs; this page introduces programs, faculty, and students.
- Ohio State University - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- Okanagan University College [IA][Direct]
- Oklahoma State University Geography Dept [IA][Direct] -
Regional info, meteorology links, Mesonet info, GPS/GIS, Dept info, user pages, and perhaps a cow or two....
- Penn State [IA][Direct]
- Queen's University Belfast - School of Geosciences [IA][Direct] -
Information about geography, archaeology, geology and palaeoecology teaching and research.
- Radford University [IA][Direct]
- Saint Mary's University - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- Salem State College [IA][Direct] -
Information on our Undergraduate Degree, Master's Degree, Cartographic Institutes, GIS Certificate Program and much more!
- San Diego State University [IA][Direct]
- San Francisco State University [IA][Direct]
- Sonoma State University [IA][Direct]
- Southwest Texas State University [IA][Direct] -
Offers Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Geography.
- Staffordshire University [IA][Direct]
- Stockholm University - Department of Physical Geography [IA][Direct]
- SURFACES Laboratory - University of Liege [IA][Direct] -
Fundamental and applied research in the domains of digital cartography, GIS and satellite remote sensing; (in French and English).
- Sydney University [IA][Direct]
- Syracuse University [IA][Direct]
- Trinity College Dublin [IA][Direct]
- TU Wien - Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften [IA][Direct]
- UCSB - National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis [IA][Direct]
- University College Cork [IA][Direct]
- University College Dublin [IA][Direct]
- University College of the Fraser Valley - Department of Geography [IA][Direct] -
Offers a major, an extended minor, and a minor in "the study of the cultural, physical, and biophysical features of the earth's surface."
- University of Alabama [IA][Direct]
- University of Arizona [IA][Direct]
- University of Arkansas [IA][Direct]
- University of Auckland [IA][Direct]
- University of Bremen Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- University of British Columbia - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- University of California, Berkeley [IA][Direct]
- University of Canterbury [IA][Direct]
- University of Cape Town [IA][Direct]
- University of Cincinnati [IA][Direct]
- University of Copenhagen [IA][Direct]
- University of Durham International Boundaries Research Unit [IA][Direct] -
News and information on boundary and territorial issues around the world.
- University of Edinburgh [IA][Direct]
- University of Extremadura - Geography and Regional Planning [IA][Direct] -
Automated mapping, geographic information systems, and satellite remote sensing. Updated Meteosat images of Europe.
- University of Florida [IA][Direct]
- University of Georgia [IA][Direct] -
Department's strengths are in GIS, remote sensing, cartography, photogrammetry, biogeography, physical geography, climatology, urban and human geography.
- University of Helsinki [IA][Direct]
- University of Illinois at Chicago - Geography [IA][Direct]
- University of Iowa [IA][Direct]
- University of Kentucky [IA][Direct]
- University of Maryland - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- University of Miami [IA][Direct]
- University of Montreal [IA][Direct] -
Le personnel; les programmes; la recherche; les services aux étudiants; la revue Géographie physique et Quaternaire; le LEMIG
- University of Nebraska [IA][Direct] -
Admissions, programs and research. environmental monitoring and resource analysis lab, meteorology lab and geography related links.
- University of North Dakota [IA][Direct]
- University of Queensland [IA][Direct]
- University of Salzburg [IA][Direct]
- University of Southern Maine [IA][Direct]
- University of Tasmania - Geography and Environmental Studies [IA][Direct]
- University of Texas at Austin [IA][Direct]
- University of Toronto [IA][Direct]
- University of Utah Geography Department [IA][Direct]
- University of Vermont [IA][Direct]
- University of Wales, Bangor - Centre for Arid Zone Studies (CAZS) [IA][Direct]
- University of Washington - Geography [IA][Direct] -
Student services and descriptions of courses in Human and Economic Geography.
- University of Western Ontario - Department of Geography [IA][Direct]
- University of Wisconsin-Madison - Environmental Remote Sensing Center [IA][Direct]
- University of Zurich [IA][Direct] -
Belongs to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and offers a wide range of teaching and research facilities.
- Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) [IA][Direct]
- Wayne State University - Department of Geography and Urban Planning [IA][Direct]
- Western Michigan University [IA][Direct]
- West Virginia University Geology and Geography Department [IA][Direct]