- U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center [IA][Direct] -
Wonderful site containing information on GPS and LORAN-C navigation systems.
- GPS and Earthquake Geodesy [IA][Direct] -
From the U. S. Geological Survey in Pasadena, California - see near real-time GPS results from the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN).
- GPS Global Time Series [IA][Direct] -
Measurements made with the Global Positioning System are sensitive enough to detect motion of the Earth's tectonic plates. Click on a map of the world to see time series of latitude, longitude, and height.
- GPS/MET Program [IA][Direct] -
An experiment to use signals from GPS satellites occluded by the Earth to demonstrate active limb sounding of the atmosphere
- Index - GPS Links [IA][Direct]
- MIT/Lincoln Laboratory GLONASS & GPS [IA][Direct]
- NAVSTAR GPS LAN [IA][Direct] -
To provide military operators, integrators, and acquisition agencies information and a forum to plan their tasks, shape their missions and use GPS to the advantage of the US and its Allies.
- Oregon GPS Users Group [IA][Direct]
- Sensing the Ionosphere with GPS [IA][Direct]
- The Global Positioning System (GPS) [IA][Direct] -
An Overview of GPS, part of The Geographer's Craft, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin.
- University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) [IA][Direct] -
Provides information, support, and scientific infrastructure to principal investigators making use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites for Earth science and related research.