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 Rose said:
heyy, I love this website a ton, takes me back to a much funner side of the interenet, simipler days. Have you guys ever thought theres really nothing stopping us from going back and doing life the way we used to? sometimes I wish we didnt have streaming which killed TV and the interenet wasnt so easily accessible. I hope things like neocities becomes more widely used and such so we can pretend were living way back when heh
19/12/23 9:11 PM | From: Pale Moon 32.4.1 on Windows 10
 Wiskaczan_wielki said:
Greetings from school computer again!
19/12/23 10:41 AM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 Pasi123 said:
Hi! This time I'm posting from my first PC which I got as a hand-me-down in 2006. Celeron 333MHz, 384MB RAM, NVIDIA RIVA TNT, Windows ME and Xubuntu 9.04
19/12/23 2:48 AM | From: Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows ME
 Wiskaczan_wielki  said:
Greetings from school computer!!
18/12/23 3:09 PM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 nic  said:
hello, world. :*)hope you have a good day surfing this part of the internet
18/12/23 12:37 AM | From: Firefox 120.0 on Windows 10
 me said:
for anyone that sees this just know that theres someone that hopes for your best and its this person with a keyboard and the old internet along with him
16/12/23 6:48 PM | From: Opera 6.01 on Windows 98
 iPhone 4 User said:
iOS 6.0 iPhone 4 user
16/12/23 3:32 AM | From: Safari on an Apple iPhone running iOS 6.0
 a11 said:
Hi from the WebView Browser Tester running on Android 11.0 on a Nexus 5!
15/12/23 3:22 PM | From: Chromium WebView 83 on a sdk_gphone_x86_arm running Android 11
 Chris said:
Windows 11 SUCKS, don't buy it. Stay on Windows 10!
15/12/23 4:54 AM | From: Edge 120 on Windows 10
 eli/oerrorpage said:
14/12/23 7:08 PM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 Pasi123 said:
Hello from Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+. Broadcom BCM2835 with 700MHz ARM11 CPU and 512MB RAM, VideoCore IV GPU
11/12/23 7:14 PM | From: Firefox 45.0 on Linux
 Guest Person, Maybe said:
yo from 3DS :D (finally another thing that's cool to do with the internet, WFC is cool but have you considered: web)
06/12/23 5:56 PM | From: a Nintendo 3DS running 1.7642
 hmt said:
hi from my 2016 smarthub tv
04/12/23 4:52 PM | From: a Samsung Smart TV
 nonprofitsun70 said:
hola, this is posted from some random dell tower hooked up to a CRT monitor.
27/11/23 4:12 PM | From: Internet Explorer 8.0 on Windows 7
 Limows said:
Posting this from ThinkPad T60 with Ubuntu 8.04, Firefox
27/11/23 1:33 PM | From: Firefox 3.0.17 on Ubuntu 8.04
 xander mcgrath said:
Hello i like this old serch engine
23/11/23 4:31 AM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 (Insert name here.) said:
Firefox, Intel Pentium n5000, 4gb RAM, 1TB HDD, Windows 10. Do you need more?
18/11/23 6:25 PM | From: Firefox 119.0 on Windows 10
 Crazybangles said:
Using my 2006 COMPAQ Presario SR1910NX to browse this website. Currently using Internet Explorer 8. Love the website!
15/11/23 6:06 AM | From: Internet Explorer 8.0 on Windows XP
 lucy said:
i love the old internet
09/11/23 8:02 PM | From: Firefox 114.0 on macOS Catalina 10.15
 dhz said:
This Reminded Me Of "Alta Vista" (Old Website)
08/11/23 1:22 PM | From: Internet Explorer 4.0.1 on Windows 95

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