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 Jbuckers said:
Hello from Protoweb on Windows XP!
13/09/24 11:22 PM | From: Lightning 5.4 on Windows XP
 Michael said:
Hello from RetroZilla 2.2 on Windows NT 4.0
12/09/24 6:29 PM | From: SeaMonkey 1.1.19 on Windows NT 4.0
 Michael said:
Hello from Windows CE 6.00
12/09/24 11:45 AM | From: Mobile Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows CE
 nickname said:
AltaVista is back but stop saying your from the old interenet
12/09/24 7:52 AM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 fatdog64 said:
hello from fatdog64 running on a 2011 windows 7 laptop from a usb drive (the hdd has windows 7 on it still but i might dualboot it
12/09/24 2:58 AM | From: Lightning 4.4 on Linux
 Anthonypeday said:
The reality is that the election is right around the corner and many votes wont even happen. Get out and vote.
12/09/24 12:19 AM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev 124.0.6367.63 on Windows 10
 Jeffery Dahlmer said:
Aspen I hope the boss doesnt see your search history
10/09/24 10:03 AM | From: Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows 98
 Aspen The Folf said:
Hello from a Safeway cash register!
09/09/24 4:37 PM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 bob  said:
hello again from windows 2000
08/09/24 9:18 PM | From: Internet Explorer 5.0.1 on Windows 2000
 bob said:
hello from windows xp
08/09/24 4:44 AM | From: Netscape Navigator 9.0.0 on Windows XP
 bowlythebowl said:
hi from chrome also check out my object show on bitview pls
06/09/24 5:06 PM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Chrome OS
 bfdi said:
hi from old firefox
06/09/24 10:24 AM | From: Firefox 19.0 on Windows 8
 MysteryGold2006 said:
Hello, from my MTS Windows 98 PC, its a really good website
04/09/24 8:55 PM | From: Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows 98
 keytest said:
cant wait to get a DS, i would definitely use the old net on the web browser (yes there is a browser for DS)
04/09/24 4:42 PM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10
 Mister Man said:
(btw i'm the guy with the samsung TV) Got the interwebs working on not only my TV, but my new windows 7 install on my dell inspiron one 2020 after a few drivers later. The specs of this machine seem OVERKILL!
02/09/24 2:37 AM | From: Firefox 3.0 on Windows 7
 himynamis said:
hi from xbox
01/09/24 3:35 AM | From: Internet Explorer 9.0 on a Microsoft Xbox 360
 Hank Parker Jr said:
sylvester is that you?
01/09/24 1:20 AM | From: Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
 Slime girl enjoyer said:
Lol, forgot the user agent on default, let's see if it says the correct browser and OS now
31/08/24 9:46 PM | From: Mac OS
 Slime girl enjoyer said:
Greetings from Mac OS 9, still waiting on a better browser than classilla...
31/08/24 9:45 PM | From: a Nokia N90 running Series60 2.8
 it me said:
im from win 11 on ie 11
30/08/24 10:21 PM | From: Internet Explorer 11.0 on Windows 10

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