- A1 Dietary Impact Analysis & Health Profile [IA][Direct] -
Used by the United States triathlon team in Hawaii.
- Aimbie Software Concepts [IA][Direct] -
TrainingBase 3.0 for 32 or 16 bit Windows is the athlete's database for Windows. Keep track of and analyze your workouts in cycling, running, etc.
- Allergy Interactive [IA][Direct] -
Interactive Shockwave site featuring a new CD-ROM title about allergies.
- BodyCraft [IA][Direct] -
Complete health and fitness software package.
- BodyMaker Pro Software [IA][Direct] -
Designed to track nutritional intake & to promote greater health & fitness.
- Bodyware Asthmanager [IA][Direct] -
PC software for managing asthma, download and trial free demo software.
- Deskercise [IA][Direct] -
Body toning exercise program for Windows.
- Diabetes Works [IA][Direct] -
A bundle of 5 programs for Windows computers.
- Drugs, Diseases and Anesthesia [IA][Direct] -
Computer program that describes interactions between Drugs and Anesthetics, between Diseases and Anesthetics and between Anesthetics and other anesthetic agents.
- Enhanced Performance Systems [IA][Direct]
- EnviroVisions [IA][Direct] -
Makers of ErgoSmart and ErgoTips computer user ergonomic training software products.
- Exercise Break [IA][Direct] -
Helps computer users exercise at their desks to avoid repetitive-motion injury.
- F-ACT Software [IA][Direct] -
Programs that provide info on acupuncture and computerised diagnostics.
- Fitness Buddy, The [IA][Direct] -
Creates personalized workout plans based on your fitness level and goals.
- Fitness Tracker [IA][Direct] -
Exercise training software that runs on hand-held computers. For personal trainers, therapists, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts.
- Herbage [IA][Direct] -
Ethnobotanical Windows application that comes with a database of 2600 plants, and includes information about use of the plant as medicine, etc.
- High Blood Pressure Nutrition for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Non-drug approach to treatment for and prevention of high blood pressure.
- Knowledge Finder [IA][Direct] -
Literature search software accessing full MEDLINE (and many specialty subsets), CANCERLIT, HEALTH, PsycLIT, CINAHL), and full-text medical journals on CD-ROM.
- Life Form [IA][Direct]
- Machina Carnis : Multimedia Pilot Project [IA][Direct] -
Educational multimedia software produced by DIDAC for cardio-vascular regulation; adopted by medical European faculties European research project; (in French and English).
- MacSleuth Hunts HIV [IA][Direct] -
Hypercard program for high school and junior college use where students learn about the virus that causes AIDS and how it is detected.
- Managing Diabetes for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive diabetes management software with emphasis on nutrition.
- MedClaim for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Home medical claims software.
- MedData Interactive [IA][Direct] -
Healthmate diabetes management on newton pda.
- MediLife [IA][Direct] -
Offers total disease management for individuals with diabetes.
- MicrOpsys 2000 [IA][Direct] -
Office automation for ophthalmologists and optometrists. A free evaluation copy of the software may be downloaded from this site.
- Nutrition for Peak Performance for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Nutrition guide for athletes.
- Nutrition for Women for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive software for women dealing specifically with obesity, osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia.
- Nutrobics [IA][Direct] -
Diet, cardiovascular fitness and muscular training, integrated computer program based on the relationship between nutrition and exercise.
- Patient Software [IA][Direct] -
Interactive, multi-media computer programs educate patients about surgical procedures and document the informed consent process.
- Personal Improvement Computer Systems [IA][Direct] -
LifeSign (stop smoking) and DietMate self-help programs. Funded by the US National Institutes of Health.
- Pixel Perfect [IA][Direct] -
Medical self-help software for the layperson.
- Protrack [IA][Direct] -
Designed to track, graph, and report your workouts, measurements, and personal fitness goals.
- Stop 'n Stretch [IA][Direct] -
An active stretching video displayed hourly to counteract carpal tunnel, neck and back problems.
- Thistle Publishing [IA][Direct] -
RISK*ASSISTANT software assesses health risk from toxic chemicals in the environment.
- Train Right Fitness Software [IA][Direct] -
Develops training programs for you based on your ability, fitness level, and experience.
- Vigora Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to making the control of diabetes easier. It features information and products to control this condition and support high-energy lifestyles.