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  • 3V Multimedia [IA][Direct]
  • ALCONLINE [IA][Direct] - Bibliographic database of current research literature relating to alcohol and other drugs of abuse.
  • Anatomist [IA][Direct] - General human anatomy for post secondary allied health / life sciences.
  • CMC ReSearch [IA][Direct] - Publisher of critical medical information on CD-ROM for the practitioner and others.
  • Cross-Sectional Anatomy Tutor [IA][Direct] - Using images from the Visible Human Project, this instructional CD-rom teaches anatomy structure-by-structure on transverse body cross-sections, CT and MR images.
  • Digital Humans [IA][Direct] - Multimedia tour of the Visible Human Project with 3D computer graphics and stereoscopic views of human anatomy and a virtual reality interface.
  • DRUGLINE [IA][Direct] - Contains 7500 records representing specialists' responses to specific patient-related problems on drug actions and side-effects.
  • If You Love Me, Show Me! [IA][Direct] - A bilingual (English and Spanish) cd rom to educate kids and teens about safe sex.
  • Neurobase [IA][Direct] - A fast, intuitive, up-to-date information resource for clinical neurology.
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