- CAD Engineers Society [IA][Direct] -
Design & Drafting Software, Computers, 3D Graphics, Visualization, and Rendering tools.
- CAD For VLSI Research Group - University of Texas [IA][Direct]
- CAD Framework Initiative, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Int'l, not-for-profit consortium of CAD tool users, tool vendors, and research institutions. Provides industry-accepted standards and technology.
- Electronic Cocktail Napkin Project, The [IA][Direct]
- Institute for System Design Technology (gmd.de) [IA][Direct] -
The institute for system design technology (SET) deals with the design of complex embedded systems. Research focuses on design methods which automate the design process, shorten the design time and guarantee (to a certain extent) design quality proper ties such as correctness, testability, reliability, security, robustness and maintainability.
- Laboratory for Solid Freeform Fabrication of Advanced Ceramics [IA][Direct]
- NIAR at Wichita State University - Cad/Cam Laboratory [IA][Direct] -
National Institute for Aviation Research at Wichita State University
- POSTECH VLSI and CAD Laboratory [IA][Direct]
- Prism Partnership for Research in Stereo Modeling [IA][Direct] -
An interdisciplinary lab at Arizona State University focusing 3D data aquisition, visualization and modeling, and rapid prototyping.
- Stanford Digital Systems CAD Group [IA][Direct]
- Systematic Program Development Group [IA][Direct] -
Facilitate the timely development of high-quality software and hardware through the practical application of formal methods.
- UC Berkeley CAD Group [IA][Direct]
- University of Dortmund - Computer Aided Design [IA][Direct]
- University of Kansas DesignLab [IA][Direct] -
An interdisciplinary laboratory focusing on component technologies research.
- University of Southern California - CAD Group [IA][Direct]
- University of Virginia - VLSI CAD Research Group [IA][Direct] -
Research in high-performance VLSI CAD