- Alternative Fuel Source Information [IA][Direct] -
Databases, publications, and on-line documents available.
- Bioenergy [IA][Direct] -
A resource for biomass conversion technology.
- Biofuels Information Network [IA][Direct] -
BIN provides electronic versions of information created and managed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
- BLOCON - Building Physics Computer Programs [IA][Direct]
- Building Measurement and Verification Protocol [IA][Direct] -
The BMVP is a voluntary protocol which provides a common method of verifying the performance of energy and water efficiency projects in buildings, thereby increasing savings.
- CREST's Guide to Alternative Energy [IA][Direct]
- DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network [IA][Direct]
- Ed's News Page [IA][Direct] -
The entry point to an interactive news server offering current awareness information services to energy industry professionals.
- Energy Efficient Housing in Canada [IA][Direct] -
A small archive containing information about and pointers to information about Energy Efficient and Environmentally Responsible housing in Canada.
- Energy Industry News [IA][Direct]
- Natural Gas Week [IA][Direct] -
Resource for students interested in the natural gas industry, geology, or the environment. Also answers consumer questions about natural gas.
- N-BASE Nuclear Information Service [IA][Direct] -
News and information on UK civil nuclear industry, reprocessing at Dounreay and Sellafield, and radioactive waste and pollution.
- Nikola Tesla Index [IA][Direct] -
The largest source for information regarding the great scientist Nikola Tesla.
- Renewable Energy Educational Kiosk [IA][Direct]
- Saurus Rate Analyzer [IA][Direct] -
On-line analyzer of electric and gas energy costs across the U.S.
- Sustainable Energy [IA][Direct] -
An informational resource including successful examples of wind and biomass energy in the midwest.
- TDH International Renewable Energy [IA][Direct]
- THERMIE - European Commission, DG XVII for Energy [IA][Direct]
- United States REVERUP Page [IA][Direct] -
Description of recently patented electroplating technology (REVERUP), how it works, and fuel consumption tests at Southwest Research (ASTM Sequence VI)